Over the past few weeks, I have come to reason with myself that - TopicsExpress


Over the past few weeks, I have come to reason with myself that the current issues of unemployment in our country are not being handled in such a way which makes sense. Even though we are trying to aid people by giving them things like food stamps, food baskets, and otherwise, we still havent dealt with the key issues of unemployment which are currently hurting are country. As such, I have been considering methods to aid low income families, while at the same time giving them the needed experience and training in order to benefit our country as a whole. The first of these things I have discussed numerous times in the last few weeks has been a piece of legislation called, Nomadic Employment Act All though this isnt the final draft name(its demeaning, I know :P) I still believe the concept is worthy of being mentioned, and would help with current issues of local economies being unable to support certain trades, and how to deal with getting tradesmen and tradeswomen to an area where they are needed. The Nomadic Employment Acts main purpose is not to give handouts or to belittle peoples trade experiences, but instead to give them the capability to have a resume out in the open which would spread out across the entirety of the United States of America, and her territories. The starting points of the Nomadic Employment Act is to create government organizations known as the Association of American Trade and Employment which would have state offices and city offices where someone could come with a resume showing their job experience, trade experience, and education within certain trades, and give them a reasonable job offer for their experience within certain trades. This resume would also include information about where the person has worked previously, the environments and regional conditions that are accompanied too, and areas of living they would favor being in. Once the resume is sent in by the tradesmen or tradeswomen, and sent out to other offices of the AATE, then begins a process in which the AATE will begin looking far and wide through out their city or state, to find a suitable employment offer for that tradesmen or tradeswomen, based on their experience within certain trades. This system would also take over the current method of minimum wage, and replace it with a system that would be based on years of experience and education regarding certain trades. When a recruiter for a regional or local company comes in and requests the ability to contact the tradesmen or tradeswomen who put out the resume, the person will be immediately alerted, and being given an appointment to come and discuss the employment opportunity, either in person, or over the computer. If everything checks out, and the person likes the offer, they can send out a letter of approval for that offer, and will then be brought into their local AATE office, and plans will be set out to move this person to a new residence in the area of where they are to be employed. Now here comes a key-part of the Nomadic Employment Act! One of the main issues with unemployment is not finding a job, but rather getting to said job, while keeping your family fed and housed. In order to deal with this major milestone, the AATE will also maintain hotels which will be free-of-charge for tradesmen and tradeswomen. These hotels will accommodate them while they get settled down, and during this period the AATE will begin aiding the tradesmen or tradeswomen in finding a household or apartment which can house them and their families. If a household is found and well received with the tradesmen or tradeswomen, and they decided to rent this household, it becomes time to figure out how they wish to move their family up to them. Even if these tradesmen or tradeswomen have some form of insurance that is sponsored with the AATE, and will pay for most of the moving, they still need to come to realistic conclusions on what items are personal belongings, and items which can be simply auctioned off or given away to friends and family. Once everything is figured out though, the families of the tradesmen and tradeswomen can be either flied in, or put on an Amtrak to the destination. What of their personal belongings? you may be asking. Well, this is a good question, and it is looked into within the Nomadic Employment Act. As of present, the United States Postal Service is having a hard time finding funding and with things like letters being replaced by email, it might be a good financial choice for the United States government to find something more beneficial as a whole for the money put into the USPS. One thing which could be done under the Nomadic Employment Act is the creation of a new branch of the United States Postal Service which would be administered under the AATE. This branch would specialize in the usage of mobile storage lockers, that could be filled up with personal belongings, and some furniture, and be used to move personal items to the families who were aided with the AATE programs. This program would be financed by taxes paid in majority by those who use the program. For example, if a tradesmen or tradeswomens family is to use this program to transfer their personal belongings to a new home, things like tax returns would be deducted in order to finance the amount of federal government resources used to accommodate the moving of personal items from one place, to another. This system ensures that loans and bills are paid, but not in a way which would burden the family so harshly that it could financially devastate them, and destroy the entire point of the move. In conclusion, such a job migration program would not only benefit the tradesmen and tradeswomen looking for jobs, but it would also benefit the entirety of the United States, with the creation of new jobs for two new government agencies. The way the migration program would be set up would also ensure that bills and such are paid back over-time and do not financially ruin families who are attempting to fix their lives with hard work, and American Values.
Posted on: Sun, 16 Mar 2014 06:32:33 +0000

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