Over the weekend, my sister and I went to MCM Comic Con in - TopicsExpress


Over the weekend, my sister and I went to MCM Comic Con in Glasgow. (with David and Dibs) It was pretty fun, we saw some stuff, my sis spent a wee bit of money, and we got to spend a day together which is something that doesnt happen nearly often enough. I have since discovered, that one of her friends has vaguely suggested (rather than directly suggested) that my sister didnt do Comic Con. (Frankly if my sister had done Comic Con, Id be really worried, shes 16 for gods sake! a 16 year old taking that many people in some kind of weird geek orgy.... wait? What? Ohhh you mean did it, like experienced it? My apologies. ) So my sis didnt get up at 6am to dress up as a character. So my sis didnt stay overnight in a cheap hotel. So my sister didnt spend over £200 and have to borrow money from her Mother to get to college as a result. So my sister didnt go both days. We went. We took in the sights and sounds, we saw some cool things like people dressed up as their favourite characters. We saw a Dalek (friggen cool btw). We didnt go to any of the panels, because there werent really any great people there for us. We didnt dress up, because I couldnt afford it and she was a bit hesitant for her first time visit. She didnt spend much money, because she didnt see much that she could justify spending money on (we didnt want to spend money just for the sake of it, however David got some really cool stuff). Yes, she could have bought alot of junk. But frankly, she can spend her money on things she really would use. She could have bought some posters, but she already ran out of wall space and has 2+ things she still needs to put up (including a Doctor Who canvas Id gladly steal away from her). Yes she could have gone both days, but she got through everything she needed or wanted to see in one day. We went on Saturday, we had a good time and we took away from it what we wanted to. She got a cool hoodie. She got a hat. I spent nothing! (So disappointed. My mothers influence I think). We had a good day out and got to spend some time together. To Amy, who says that we didnt do comic con, you may think that we didnt do it right, but we did what we wanted. We dont have to spend all our money and borrow from the bank of Mum. We had a good time and didnt see the need to belittle anyone over how they didnt do this or that. Will we go back next year? Maybe. Probably not. We were a bit disappointed and I think wed rather go to Londons, where there are more things that wed like to see and do. We cant this year, but who knows what next year holds.
Posted on: Mon, 08 Sep 2014 06:24:06 +0000

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