Over the years, and more to point decades, one of the things I - TopicsExpress


Over the years, and more to point decades, one of the things I stood by, was hosting seminars for outside Instructors. I did this for two reasons. 1.To give my students and anyone interested a chance to come along to train, meet and experience a different teacher. 2. My goal was to promote and develop Silat and Kali in Ireland. When I started there wasnt a single silat class in Ireland and only couple of kali in the form of JKD classes. Now even in Dublin, I see students of mines opening clubs all the time, that how much silat has develop here. Counting back I probably hosted around 75 seminars with around 30 - 35 different teachers. Not once did I bar a single student of any style from attending, and many a student (who have forgotten) I give them total access to these teacher, with many a senior training in my back garden and them getting their dinner served to them by my wife, that how open and appreciated I was to my students. Nothing is kept hidden. Every single teacher I brought over got paid the full amount they asked for, got pick up at the airport and return by myself, or by a senior student. Had all there meals,(Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner) made or paid for. Each Instructor on one of the days was took out to any event or place they would like to go to, all paid by me and every instructor had one of the evening a club party put on for them, and everything paid for. I made sure every single teacher from the minute they got on the plane till they went home, got treated like royalty. Some of the teachers got use to this high rolling and when it stop, got very annoyed. Now with all this as a back ground I have to say only a handful of the teacher went beyond the scope of the weekend seminar to help me, or my students, or the art in general. No money was ever given to me, by this county or UK (Outside of European Championship in 1995), no Governing body in S.E.Asia, no Instructor or style. This art has survive on its own, and anytime it needed anything and there wasnt funds, I put it in. We are now thankfully,big enough to survive on our own and are self sufficient, but in the early days it was not the case. I wasnt going to say anything, after reading various post on another silat facebook page, but after reading it again in Irish Fighter, which the editor didnt bother to verified anything, but no surprize there, as he never checks anything. I do have to make a couple of point relating to a Uk based silat teacher, who now claiming he was the force and energy behind silat development in Ireland, and that level of Silat in Ireland has yet go beyond the basic level. At the start I thought this was just another dig at us, but now after seeing it in print I do need to clarified a few things. Silat has developed in Ireland without any influence of Glenn Lobo. Not a single student of mines after the late 80s even heard me mention his name. Two of his Master who he disrespect have both been in Ireland, since Glenn, yet he claims their level is basic to his. Glenn Lobo didnt do a single ounce of any promotion, marketing, administration or development of any student in my classes, outside of the weekend workshops he was hired to teach. Glenn claims he made 15 trips, he made between 10 to 11 trips to my club, at the time he was seeing a Northern Ireland girl from Castledawson, so his trips to Ireland were not fully focus on teaching, they were a joint venture. However we as a club, did pay all his expenses, as well as hiring him a car, so he could see his girlfriend.. Glenn was hired to teach Gayong Harimau, but when we found out from Guru Jak that Glenn was no longer part of his Association, we cancelled his contract. Glenn did make I believe 3 more trips to Kilrea, and this is where he seems to be getting mixed up, he did set up a rival club in Kilrea, under one of my students, his name was Michael, he set up a class if I remember right in st. Patrick hall at top of Church street. Glenn did advertised, and put info into newspapers, and posters that this was the real silat class. Yet within 9 months the class had closed down, due to lack of interest over 20 years ago. That was the last time, Glenn did anything to promote silat in Ireland. Our Club still continues to this day and for 30 years it has kept the doors open to anyone who wishes to train, never turning anyone away. It has brought silat into schools, where almost 5000 teenagers a year get to experience silat. It has grown to have dedicated children classes, where young kids who have difficulties in life, can find an art form that helps them develop. Combat magazine over 10 years ago presented me with the Hall of Fame Award for the development of the S.E.Asian Arts in Ireland, and many a great Master has been brought to Ireland. Not one of these teachers, and some of them World renown, every mention they were the force and energy behind Silat in Ireland, and many of them have influence me, much more then Glenn ever did. I could not do this on my own, and so the real reason Im writing this is, that other people deserved the credit for keeping the art alive, they were the ones who put up posters, help organised teenage discos to raise funds so we could keep bring over teachers. We had only a small club of about 8 to 10 members and most were in school. The average age of our club was about 16 and so in conclusion and to help keep this list short I will do it within the time frame of 1986 - 90. My parents and Sister, who were always there to help, and my family business always paid half of Glenn fees. Students and friends Anna Marie Mc Nicholl, Eugene Currie Tammy Carrothers, Micky Mc Cormick and Patrick Mc Nicholl, there were a few others, but these students, were the back bone of my club, and their work should not be forgotten, or re written to serve another ego. Guru Jak will be in Ireland in March and a full clarification of this situation will be given then. Until them a few words from Guru Jeff Davidson a world class Silat teacher ..https://youtube/watch?v=GXph4zLK5V4&list=UUkXCbro4ZdBnZLVmgK5jBkQ
Posted on: Sun, 07 Dec 2014 17:11:03 +0000

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