Over the years, many people have asked me to recommend a medical - TopicsExpress


Over the years, many people have asked me to recommend a medical intuitive. Yet, until now, I’ve never had any reason to test a medical intuitive. Recently, however, I consulted one with surprisingly positive results. Medical Medium Anthony William helped me identify and heal a problem I suffered with for three years--a medical issue that even my general practitioner could not diagnose or resolve. The mysterious problem was that my skin periodically broke out in a small area of hives, as if a hundred tiny mosquitoes launched an all-out attack on a two-inch patch of my body. Sometimes the patch of hives appeared on my arm; sometimes it was on my back; and other times it was on my leg. The hives would come, drive me nutty for five or ten minutes, then quickly go away. In the beginning (three years ago), I only experienced this once every two weeks. Over time, it occurred more often--once a week, then twice a week, then, at its worst, two or three times each and every day. In the three years that I suffered with this issue, I consulted numerous people to diagnose and treat the problem. I began, of course, with my family doctor. He was stumped as to the cause, so he recommended changing all my soaps and detergents. I did what he suggested and saw no improvement. As time continued and the condition worsened, I decided to try other approaches, each time hoping that one of these people would know how to help me. I saw a naturopath, a nutritionist and a variety of alternative practitioners, all with different ideas, but none of their suggestions put an end to the itchiness. As the problem worsened, I began to investigate medical intuitives. In all my research, this one guy’s reputation simply shined--Anthony William. Person after person told me that Anthony is ethical, compassionate, very healthy himself, and extraordinarily gifted. All this praise came from people who had outstanding reputations in the spiritual field themselves. So I booked an appointment with a “wait and see” attitude. I continued to be skeptical, but I was open-minded. My appointment was over the telephone. Anthony’s gift is like that of a psychic medium, yet he specializes in helping people heal (he’s been doing this since he was a teenager). As a medium, Anthony works with his spirit guides, and since spirits aren’t limited by time or space, readings can be done by phone. Anthony’s spirit guides scan the body of his clients, relay their findings to Anthony, who then relays these scan results to his clients. It is a rather cool experience to learn about your body’s health, especially when Anthony validates conditions of which you’re already aware. He told me that I had a severe case of mononucleosis about 30 to 31 years ago (he was dead-on accurate). He knew I dealt with hypoglycemia (right again). And he saw a pea-sized cyst in my neck, which I could feel with my fingers and had noticed long ago. So, being a blog, I’ll cut to the chase. Anthony identified the skin problem as a food allergy to wheat and dairy, especially cheese (oh no, not cheese!). Then he recommended a diet specifically designed for me. Not a weight loss diet, but a nutritional diet. Because most of us in this society could eat much healthier, Anthony recommends various improvements in eating habits to many of his clients (yet all different). I wasn’t thrilled with all the fruits and veggies I had to eat (and the absence of nachos), but I gave it a shot. In fact, I have now continued this way of eating for over six months. Within a couple weeks, I was feeling relief. The hives only came a few days a week, rather than every day. Within two months, I was feeling much better. There was barely any sign of the allergy, so I knew Anthony had gotten it right. In three months, my hives had stopped altogether for the first time in three years. And, ever since, I’ve been free of itchy hives except when I eat a “lot” of cheese, which I still occasionally do. A little cheese won’t bother me. But Fettuccini Alfredo or an entire serving of nachos as meal reminds me that allergies don’t go away, you merely manage them. I can’t tell you how much of a relief this is to rid myself of this problem. It’s like these annoying little mosquitoes were pestering me for three years, and now they have finally gone away. Aside from ending my three-year suffering, there were three major bonuses that came along with my new, nutritious eating habits. One, I went down a pant size. How many people would mind doing that? Two, I now love eating these better foods. If I cheat from my diet on the weekend, I wake up hungry the next day because my body is used to foods that provide much more nutrition. Overall, this new awareness about what foods are best for my body and what foods to avoid have led me to feel healthier. And finally, three, and the most unexpected bonus, I was able to lower the dose of a medication I’ve taken for twelve years (with my doctor’s approval and delight)—a medication that I’ve had to “increase” every three years! This was an incredible bonus that I believe resulted because my body is no longer gunked up with pizza, nachos and pasta. Better foods equal better digestion. Of course, not everyone who goes to Anthony needs a new diet. Some need supplements, others need mainstream medical treatment, still others might be doing something, taking something or eating something that is harming them. My case is only indicative of a small percentage of Anthony’s clients. I’m not the kind of guy who recommends seeing a medical intuitive over your doctor. But if your doctor can’t help you, like in my case, or if your doctor has determined your case is incurable, or worse, terminable, what harm is there in stretching your skepticism and trying a medical intuitive? You’re grounded. You’re in control over what advice you’re going to take or reject. And I’m telling you that I’ve now had amazing success with Anthony’s gifted diagnosis and recommendations. It took me years to even try a medical intuitive, yet it has proven to be a blessing and a relief. Anthony William has earned my personal recommendation. Warmly, Bob Olson Bob Olson Psychic Medium Researcher & Afterlife Investigator
Posted on: Sat, 27 Jul 2013 00:13:54 +0000

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