Over those 111 years, the Idea of America has been undone, or - TopicsExpress


Over those 111 years, the Idea of America has been undone, or abandoned, mainly through the corruptions of nominal Americans themselves. A compulsory education establishment borrowed from Prussia and completed by Dewey indoctrinates generations in the virtues of submission to the collective, keeping to ones place, and faith in the great god, Government. Progressivism borrowed from European intellectuals has devoured the heart of the American project, private property rights, and digested it into a grotesque Euro-illusion of freedom divorced from self-ownership. The land of the courageous frontiersman has willingly sacrificed its dignity and privacy in the name of a dubious security, both financial and physical, while a people identified with expressions like Give me liberty or give me death and None of your damn business is willingly granting its government powers of personal intrusiveness for which Stalin would never have dared to hope, under the self-immolating moral delusion that If you havent done anything wrong, you have nothing to hide. America is now a nation ruled -- and that is the correct word -- by a self-appointed elite of ignorant snobs and power-mad degenerates to compete with the worst ruling castes of the civilized world. The U.S. federal government has, through the deliberate deteriorations of a century, finally dispensed with all but the flimsiest pretense of the principles of limited government and the rule of law that virtually defined Americas historic political achievement. By turns Commodus, Nero, and Caligula, todays American ruling elite steer an intentionally debased, demoralized and indoctrinated majority down the path to a form of enslavement as non-metaphorical as it is ingenious, the kind foreseen by Tocqueville as soft despotism. Never to be misunderstood is that by soft, Tocqueville did not mean weak; he meant achieved through enticements, rather than through brute force. This tyranny, he warned, might be more thorough than any hard despotism, in that the populace so enticed will welcome the chains, rather than resist them. The current administrations defining achievement -- apart from the Benghazi cover-up -- is surely the Affordable Care Act. All lies to the contrary notwithstanding, ObamaCare was and is intended as the first step towards socialized medicine, the big prize of Western progressivism, in addition to being symbolic of the combined force of a wildly disproportionate executive authority and the infinite expansion of the regulatory administrative state. Socialized medicine is the dividing line -- the one America alone among Western nations had hitherto resisted crossing -- between a nation that maintains at least a mirage of individual self-ownership, and one that has finally dispensed with the niceties and declared officially that every man, woman, and child is property of the collective. Self-preservation at the whim of the state is no natural right at all. America had abrogated its founding principles in so many ways before, but now she has joined the rest of the world in making unfreedom as concrete a reality as is possible without literal shackles. In the name of fairness and equality, the value of a mans life, and his ability to prolong it, will henceforth be determined by the state -- the Declaration of Independence obliterated in 20,000 pages of bureaucratic tyranny. americanthinker/daren_jonescu/
Posted on: Mon, 28 Oct 2013 17:45:33 +0000

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