Overcoming 5 Obstacles to Obtain Your Fitness Goals 1. - TopicsExpress


Overcoming 5 Obstacles to Obtain Your Fitness Goals 1. Stress—When you’re up against a work deadline or the kids are sick, you may feel you can’t handle one more thing, including exercise. But taking time out to work out is one of the best things you can do during times of intense stress. Exercise helps alleviate stress, anxiety, and depression and helps boost your mood, enabling you to cope with whatever you’re facing. Even a short workout is better than nothing. 2. Unrealistic Expectations—To avoid this mistake, set realistic goals and be patient. You can’t undo 10 years of a sedentary lifestyle in a week. If you stick with a regimen, your body will respond to exercise. It takes at least six weeks of regular exercise and sometimes more for physiological changes to kick in. 3. Overtraining—Demanding daily workouts without scheduled rest won’t help you reach your goals faster. Instead, it’ll undermine your progress. Overtraining occurs when the exercise load is excessive related to the amount of time allowed for recovery. A day or two off from vigorous exercise each week is recommended for rest and recovery. This can be done through a combination of scheduling rest days into your fitness plan and alternating hard and easy workouts. 4. The Unexpected—You were going to work out after work, but now you’ve been asked to work late. Life happens, and you can either throw up your hands and say, “forget it,” or accept it and roll with it. Resilience is your ability to bounce back quickly from life’s surprises and setbacks and can be improved with practice. Strategies include practicing good self-care, such as eating right, sleeping well, and exercising regularly. 5. Negative Self-Talk—“I’m so lazy, I’ll never be fit;”. Would you talk to a friend or loved one this way? Listening to negative self-talk isn’t motivating, so what’s the point? The next time you recognize a critical thought, stop it and replace it with a positive thought, like this: “I’m so proud of myself for walking at lunch time today. It took a lot of effort, but I did it.” Behavior change is hard. Give yourself some credit for every step you take toward your fitness goals. Practice intentionally giving yourself positive feedback and watch your motivation soar. At Fit4You, we pride ourselves on offering the most comprehensive, up-to-date fitness, nutrition, and personal training programs, as well as great classes for our clients & members. Call us today to find out how we can help you meet your Fitness and Nutrition goals!
Posted on: Wed, 23 Jul 2014 16:31:38 +0000

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