Overcoming Negative Karma The Buddha taught The Sutra of the - TopicsExpress


Overcoming Negative Karma The Buddha taught The Sutra of the Four Powers for practitioners to overcome and stop negative karma from ripening. So, it is possible to stop an action that one has committed or things one may have committed from producing its full effects. Lama Yeshe called these four powers the Four Rs: Refuge, Regret, Remedy, and Restraint. Refuge means to take refuge, or seek protection in the Three Jewels, the Buddha, Dharma, and Sangha. This refers specifically to the Dharma, the teachings on cause and effect. Regret is a powerful antidote in which one generates a strong regret for having committed actions that are sure to ripen negatively in our lives. Regret is the opposite of appreciation. When we appreciate something we are feeding that thing with more duration. Regret is the opposite. It weakens the accumulation of energies that feed it. Remedy is to apply an active antidote. It means to do the opposite behaviors in order to eliminate the habit energy karma creates as well as to further weaken the energy of the imprints of the karma committed. The best antidote is to study emptiness. There are several Sutras one can read aloud and study for this. Reciting the One Hundred Syllable Mantra of Vajrasattva is another powerful remedy. And finally, Restraint means to not commit them again in the future. It is best to be realistic. If one cannot restrain oneself indefinitely one should set a realistic goal for how long one can restrain oneself:a day, a week, a month, etc. This will accumulate energy so that the period of restraint can grow over time. Vajrasattvas Mantra Visualize Vajrasattva sitting on a lotus in space about six feet in front of your forehead. As you recite this mantra visualize white cleansing light radiating from his heart and entering the crown off your head. As it flows down through your body it cleans it of all black and negative energy left from your negative karma. When you are finished imagine that all of your negative karmas are eliminated and feel great confidence that they will not ripen upon you. Then visualize radiant light leaving your heart and cleansing all sentient beings around you of their negative karmas. When all the karmas have been eliminated, rest in the joy of all the positive in the world and see yourself and all beings radiating loving energy to one another. Om Vajrasattva Samaya Manupalaya. Vajrasattva Dvenopatishta Dridomaybawa. Sutokayo Maybawa, Supokayo Maybawa. Anurakto Maybawa Sarwa Siddhi Mayprayatsa, Sarwa Karma Suchamay. Tsitsam Shriyam Kuru Hum. Ha ha ha ha ho, Bhagawan. Sarwa Tathagata, Vajra Mahmaymuntsa, Vajra Bhawa Maha Samayasattva Ah Hum Pay.
Posted on: Sun, 13 Jul 2014 14:26:40 +0000

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