Overcoming (Self) to See Jesus Sometimes we get in our own way. - TopicsExpress


Overcoming (Self) to See Jesus Sometimes we get in our own way. When this happens we short change ourselves. For those who are independent thinkers this writing might be difficult to appreciate. There are times when we may be too intelligent, too wise beyond reason for our own good. A few years ago my driving instructor taught me that if I followed his instruction I could park the car without seeing where I was going. Do you trust me he asked? Then close your eyes. What a strange way to teach someone how to park a car! Being the practical person I am, I reasoned, he doesnt want to have a crash. He has other students to teach. I did as he told me. To my surprise I parked the car without looking! Faith is a lot like this driving experience. Two people cant independently navigate the same vehicle at the same time. Someone has to be in charge. Even if we think about flying, the pilot and co-pilot have different roles. It is a cooperative effort. When our choices typically reflect preoccupation with our wants, needs and our agendas we have excluded a spiritual relationship with the Lord. Consequently, inability to overcome preoccupation with ones self separates us from the benefits and the rewards associated with spiritual commitment and blessings. Usually self- confidence is a sign of strength and good self esteem. In reality, a truly strong person recognizes there are limits to their abilities. It is when we recognize our limitations, that we can truly acknowledge our perspective and views are short-sighted. In order to see Jesus and to participate in the spiritual legacy he has promised to Christians, self must be sacrificed in order to live in Christ. Following Jesus, requires a the ability and the willingness to exchange our view for obedience to spiritual principles. Mark 10:21 (KJV) indicates that Christ required disciples to take up their cross and follow Him. The scripture is really pointing out that Christ must take center stage in our lives. He must have the preeminence in our thinking, attitudes and behavior. Just as in physics, two objects cannot occupy the same space at the same time. When we put ourselves first there is no room for Christ to be our central point of reference. Bible readers familiar with the books of Matthew, Mark Luke and John realize that worldly concerns, personal priorities and other non-spiritual commitments interfered with disciples who started following the Lord and later dropped out. We do not belong to ourselves. We cannot successfully live onto ourselves. We are Gods creation. We did not create ourselves. We (Christians) are in covenant relationship with God. When we habitually put ourselves first, we are really relying on ourselves, not on Him. Our central scripture of reflection today is Jeremiah 10:23 O Lord, I know that the way of man is not in himself; it is not in man that walketh to direct his steps. Ife Ayodele copyright@ 2012
Posted on: Mon, 21 Jul 2014 22:42:30 +0000

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