Overcoming Vaastu Defects; THE COSMO PYRAMID We at RAJESHSHORI - TopicsExpress


Overcoming Vaastu Defects; THE COSMO PYRAMID We at RAJESHSHORI JYOTISALAYA energized all pyramid as your NAME, RASHI, LAGNA , ESPECIALLY LOCATION OF YOUR PREMISES AND ADVISED TO INSTALL THE PYRAMID IN A VERY AUSPICIOUS MOMENT . ENSURE THE BEST QUALITY FROM US Basically the ancient vaastu texts do not deal with vaastu corrections by alternative methods. They advocate in all such cases structural correction to set right the defects. The performance of rituals like Vaastu Pooja, Vaastu Homa and the like are mentioned to get the blessings of the plot organism which goes without saying that the house, in the first place, should be as per vaastu. I have come across several defective houses which has put the occupants to misery in spite of the fact that before entering the house all the rituals were performed in a grandiose manner as per the texts. It is also true that even if one were to occupy a house built as per vaastu but without performing any of these poojas or homas, he will still enjoy the benefits of being in a good vaastu house. Any problem due to vaastu can only arise if the Northeast force in the plot is weak. If the Northeast is strong in spite of the defects the occupants are unlikely to suffer from vaastu defects. The following are some of the problems which can arise due to defective Northeast. Sl.No Nature Of Northeast Defect Effect 1. Toilet in Northeast Financial Problems 2. Bath Room in Northeast Education / Career Problems 3. Elevated Northeast Poverty 4. Staircase in Northeast Circulation problems 5 Kitchen in Northeast Quarrelsome members 6. Rounded Northeast No male children 7. Northeast Toilet in Southwest Bed Room Cancer 8. Northeast Toilet in Southeast bed room Breast Cancer 9. Northeast toilet in Northwest bed room Brain Tumours/madness 10. Northeast toilet in Northeast bed room Brain cancer In all the above cases structural rectification is called for. This may not be possible always due to various problems like the age of the structure and financial implications. In case of leased premises the question of correction does not arise at all. There is a general belief among the public that fengshui remedies can help in all cases of vaastu defects. This is not true. Fengshui remedies do not create energy. They can only increase the positive vibrations in an area. Hence they can work only if the energy in an area is neutral. In all the above cases listed in Sl.No-1 to 6 the Northeast energy itself is missing. Hence the question of stimulating a non existing energy does not arise in the first place. In other words the use of fengshui gadgets in these circumstances is a waste of time and money. If the area is having negative energy then fengshui remedies do not help. An alternative which is used by many in practice is the employment of pyramids. Pyramids are again energy cleansers. They do not create energy on their own. It is important to remember that only the area inside a pyramid is devoid of negative energy even if the pyramid itself is in a negative field. Thus all the devices like pyramids and fengshui remedies gave satisfactory results in neutral houses but were found to be less than satisfactory when the defect was in Northeast. In other words if the Northeast is defect free and if the defect lies in other sectors then the chances of getting good results by using pyramids and fengshui remedies are great. But if the defect lies in Northeast then using these devices is a waste of your money. So far there was no device which could act as a positive energy releaser to the surroundings. This was the main reason why rectification without structural correction was a difficult task. I have been working to develop a device which can attract the surrounding negative energy and release it after converting it into a positive one. The device I have now developed which I have named as COSMO Pyramid is just the device and the only device needed to set right the effects of bad vaastu. It also effectively neutralises Geopathic stress in the house. The pyramid is made from a special material called cosmonite which is adhesive packed. This pyramid has the capacity to release pranic energy continuously. Its special quality is that it attracts the negative energy in the area and converts it to positive energy. This is a solid pyramid unlike others which are hollow. The pyramid is to be kept on the floor in the Northeast corner. One face of the pyramid is to be aligned with Magnetic North. If your bed room has a toilet in Southwest or Northeast then one more pyramid is to be kept in the Northeast corner of the bed room. The pyramid makes the negative energy flow towards its base by attracting it and releases the positive energy through the apex. USES OF THE PYRAMID; 1. When kept in the Northeast corner a sense of well being is felt by all the members of the family. 2. When kept in the bed room it ensures sound sleep and you feel fresh and lively in the morning. 3. House wives feeling tired and restless should keep one in the Southwest corner of the kitchen to become energetic. 4. Use it in study rooms of kids to have more concentration in their studies and to improve their academic performance. 5. Keep it in your office cabin in the Southwest corner for smooth running of the business. 6. If a person in the family is ill keep a pyramid near his bed on the Southwest corner for quick recovery. 7. If you feel some one has performed black magic on you or wishing you ill, bury four such pyramids in the four corner of the house. 8. If you are living in an apartment or first floor then keep the pyramid in the four corner of the house. 9. If you are worried that people with harmful intentions are coming to your house keep the pyramid in the northwest corner of your house to keep them off. 10. Childless couple aspiring for a baby should keep one in the Northeast corner on the floor in their bed room. 11. The pyramid effectively neutralises geopathic stress in the area. In short there is no area in your life where this unique pyramid cannot help. Use one and convince yourself. WISH FULFILLMENT; I have dealt in detail about the methodology to be adopted in wish fulfilment exercises using pyramids in my book The Mysterious Powers of the Pendulum. The cosmonite pyramid can be a more effective device to bring your wishes true. However there is no need for the person to concentrate on the wish as explained in my above referred book. On the other hand the wish is programmed while making the pyramid. Once the wish is fulfilled the pyramid will continue to cleanse the surrounding area of negative vibrations but the same pyramid cannot be used for fulfilling another wish. While ordering a pyramid for wish fulfilment please write your wish on a small piece of square paper measuring about 2 inches x 2 inches in English and send along with your order on pyramid. The paper will be embedded inside the pyramid. Please note this process is limited for one wish only.. The cost of the pyramid remains the same. PLACEMENT OF THE PYRAMID One important thing to remember is not to disturb the pyramid once it is placed in a particular area. Normally it takes 2 to 3 days for the pyramid to settle down. Unlike regular pyramids which can be moved from place to place without any problem a cosmo pyramid should not be disturbed once it is placed. Hence choose the area of its placement carefully before placing the pyramid. This pyramid is a small device and neither attracts attention of the visitors nor occupies much space. Its base is about 4 inches x 4 inches and its height is about 3 inches. It is quoted with an attractive gold colour. The cosmonite material is a very special adhesive based compound. Hence even if it is accidentally dropped, nothing will happen. If the surface of the pyramid becomes dirty due to accumulation of dust wipe it clean with a soft wet cloth. We at RAJESHSHORI JYOTISALAYA energized all pyramid as your NAME, RASHI, LAGNA , ESPECIALLY LOCATION OF YOUR PREMISES AND ADVISED TO INSTALL THE PYRAMID IN A VERY AUSPICIOUS MOMENT . ENSURE THE BEST QUALITY FROM US rajeshshori/Gallery-Product/Image-Gallery/Pyraminds/1
Posted on: Fri, 26 Jul 2013 09:25:12 +0000

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