Owen Jones interview in the Mancunion... kissing the arse of - TopicsExpress


Owen Jones interview in the Mancunion... kissing the arse of Russell Brand. Unbelievable! This wunderkind of the Left consciously chooses to pay lip service to corruption, regardless of principles. Russells interest in the Focus E15 women was pure theatrics for his revolution PR enterprise. Thats his agenda and purpose. Hes making a movie. To think he actually cares is naive. Hes on a roll and enjoying the ride, encouraged and backed up by public figures like Owen who kiss each others bum cheeks to perpetuate the pantomime show, thusly increasing their public profiles and bank accounts in the process. Owens recent interview with economist Thomas Picketty is nothing more than a shameless advertisement for Pickettys book. His interrogation method was akin to a moth flapping about in front of a fork-tongued lizard about to be grabbed and devoured. He had an opportunity to take Pickettys pants off and check the size of his dick. Well, it wasnt exactly a meeting of Godzilla vs King Kong was it? People get off so lightly because journalists like Owen Jones are far too accommodating and too reluctant to put the ideas of those they interview through an appropriately rigorous integrity test. I have read Pickettys book and it put me in mind of that renowned Morrissey lyric: it says nothing to me about my life. Capital in the Twenty-First Century is just wank material for middle class journalists and academics. Without principles there can be no trust, and without trust there can be no honesty, and without honesty there can be no truth telling. Principles dont change like the wind. They are not something we can just adapt and change on the whim of popular sentiment. That just encourages corruption and dishonesty, as we have seen. We have to be brave in denouncing corruption and lies and not compete our wits for ideological supremacy. Every ideologue believes he is right and good and that his opponent is wrong and invariably bad. We see this warfare being waged every single day in the media. When are we going to purge ourselves of these infantile mind games and move away from agenda politics and start applying rational problem solving methods to economic and social injustice? Wars are raging all over the world and people are being bombed and beheaded because those on all sides believe they are right. They behave like savages and have convinced themselves they are doing it out of selfless love and devotion to their pious beliefs. They actually believe they are doing good. Hitler did what he did out of selfless love and compassion. Didnt you know that? People delude themselves into believing they are doing good deeds while committing the most heinous and terrible crimes and injustices. We have aspiring politicians engaged in selling us illusory dreams to win our votes. They believe they are right and wish to do good, discounting the fact that they are already corrupted by the system and condemned to repeat all the same mistakes of the past. This is why no one trusts politicians anymore. We know instinctively that something is wrong but we cant quite put our finger on it, and all the politicians, commentators and journalist seem to do is confuse and exacerbate matters with their agenda politics and petty squabbles. Owen Jones has more in common with Nigel Farage than you might think. They are both in the business of telling people what they want to hear, but neither are capable of thinking outside the framework of acceptable political discussion. The current system is obsolete and people like Owen are still busy perpetuating the illusion. When are we going to learn? No one is prepared to deal with reality. Reality doesnt win votes and so no politician is prepared, or even has the guts, to challenge conventional wisdom and tell people what they actually need to know. And so we end up with corrupt, ambitious politicians chasing political ideals and dreams rather than facing up to the reality of our social condition. We are mired in opinions and no one tells the truth. And Question Time is one of the worst purveyors of this pantomime. Dreams and false hopes create problems, they dont resolve them. All of human history is littered with the shattered dreams of people who believed in their own particular idea of what is right and good. They dreamt it; they wished for it; they hoped and preyed for it; they imposed it and killed for it. Thats the reality of dreams and false hopes: it assumes the innate goodness of man, which doesnt exist. Theres no right or wrong, good or bad about anything. Moral issues originate through culture, informed by nature. Nature informs our emotional and intellectual disposition but does not deify us with moral virtues. We have to earn our moral virtue by maintaining rhythmic synchronicity with natures eternal heartbeat. Morality is something we construct, together, using our shared emotional and intellectual experience to inform what we all naturally have in common. Whether we are consciously aware of it or not, our emotions are pushing us always to resolve our suffering loneliness through kinship and cooperation with others. The culture we live in suppresses our true savage nature and substitutes it for conduct and values that make us civilised using coercion, force and oppression. Every culture has its own morality and definition of what civilised is, but its mostly an artificial construct. No civilisation is justified if human beings are not informed by nature as the standard bearer upon which we legitimise a common basis for constructing the principles of right and wrong, good and bad. Our moral sense of purpose must therefore rely on our ability to recognise and identify suffering, and to work towards reducing it and eliminating it in our lives and in the wider world, as well as in our political and social institutions and cultural arrangements. Ideological notions of good and bad, right and wrong, are extremely dangerous games to play politically, and those that play them are invariably reckless and irresponsible people who dont know what theyre doing.
Posted on: Thu, 25 Dec 2014 03:09:23 +0000

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