Owning and Allowing In order to be free to love - TopicsExpress


Owning and Allowing In order to be free to love unconditionally, we need to come to terms with our own judgments, feelings, attractions and aversions. We must be willing and open to experience our entire range of feelings and emotions, and we must accept them as they arise without projecting them out. This acceptance alone will help set the platform for those feelings to be personally owned, instead of being constantly projected onto others. For when we recognize that it is ok to allow the feelings and emotions to come to the surface, our ability to be present with those feelings and emotions strengthens. By accepting everything as it arises, we begin to recognize that we do not have to fight our way through life and pretend to be something that we are not, instead, we begin to find the power to deal with every circumstance from a standpoint of love and compassion. For example, if we find our self experiencing a feeling of grief, instead of indulging the feeling by going into some imaginary loss scenario we can recognize that it is a gift that provides us with the opportunity to lessen the hold that it previously had on us. The key is not to be downhearted about feeling the grief. By not having an aversion to feeling the emotion, we can stay with the feeling without the need to judge it or make a commentary about it. We can allow the full intensity of it to rise to the surface and dissipate. If we can remain fully present with the feeling or emotion, we will find that eventually the energy dissipates. It is only our resistance to being with the sensation that causes us prolonged suffering. By owning and allowing it, not only do we have the opportunity to change the way we view it and see things from a more evolved perspective, but we can release all the accumulated grief which we have stored over the years, perhaps even since childhood. So rather than respond with more grief, guilt, anger, blame or even rejection, this gives us the freedom of choice to act in a more empowered and loving way. The same process applies to any other emotion that causes distress. There is only this moment which unconditional love can be practiced. Choose then, to cultivate the practice of owning and allowing. Love and Blessings Angelica & Terence Atman
Posted on: Wed, 12 Mar 2014 15:18:41 +0000

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