Oxford, Mississippi 1985. We were working on a aerial spray - TopicsExpress


Oxford, Mississippi 1985. We were working on a aerial spray project with our bell 206 helicopter out of Bruce, MS, but staying in a motel in Oxford because there was no motel in Bruce. Chuck was our pilot and the ground crew consisted of myself and Pete. Normally there would only be one mechanic on a 206 project, but were going to complete a 100 hour inspection on the 206 before we came home. After a hectic week of leaving the motel at 4 am and not in bed until 10 pm after working in the woods all day we were pretty tired. We completed our portion of the project on Friday night and had to start the inspection on the helicopter the next day. We had to have it completed and all paperwork done before we could travel back home to DeQueen. Now Chuck was one of those guys that loved to needle people. He loved to rub your nose in it if he was getting away with something and you were not. We were shuttling back and forth in a company owned Suburban from Bruce to Oxford. All the way to Oxford Chuck was popping off stuff like, the smart pilot gets to sleep in tomorrow while the dumb mechanics have to go work on the helicopter. Or you two morons should have went to flight school like me and you would be laying around tomorrow, but NOOOOO. You turds will be working all day while I sleep. Ha, ha, ha, ha. Pete and I just laughed and I told him to laugh it up big boy. Every dog has his day. He said yes I do, and you puppies are sucking hind tit. Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha. When we went to supper that night Chuck continued to boast about his great sleep in. After we got back to the motel Pete and I got together and decided Chuck must pay. We came up with our master plan and Pete called the front desk and told them he was Chuck from DeQueen, Arkansas in room 247 and needed a wake up call at 0400 in the morning. Then Pete told the desk clerk I will not want to wake up because I am going out with friends tonight so no matter what I say in the morning be sure to call me back at 0430 and be sure I got up. Then be sure and check back at 0500 to be sure Im still up because I have a very important meeting in Bruce tomorrow morning. Then Pete and I went to bed with big smiles on our faces. Pete and I left the motel at 0400 to head for the helicopter in Bruce. Our plan was to be done with the 206 by noon and get back to the motel by 1 pm to pick up Chuck and all of us drive the Suburban home. The trip home normally took about 8 hours. The whole time we were working on the Helicopter we were in great spirits wondering how Chucks morning had gone? We had no Idea how great it turned out. When we got back to the motel I called Chuck and told him we were ready to head for home and meet us in the parking lot in ten minutes. We had already told him the day before we would be ready to go by about 1 pm unless we called and told him otherwise. He didnt say anything at all. He just slammed down to phone. Some people just cant take a joke. When I went in to check out at the desk the desk clerk told be that that guy with you in room 247 sure was a jerk. I ask why? He said that when the night clerk called him at 0400 with his requested wake up call he got his but chewed out. He said then when he called him back at 0430 Chuck came uncorked and called him a total dumb ass and not to ever call his room again. When the clerk called back at 0500 Chuck got up out of bed and came down to the desk raising hell. He told them they were all incompetent morons and he would never stay there again. The clerk said they told Chuck they were only following his instructions. He screamed that he didnt ask for a damn wake up call at all. The clerk told him if you didnt then someone that knew what room he was in, his full name, and where he was from sure did. So who else would know all of that? That is when the light bulk came on in Chucks head and he knew he had been had. When he got into the Suburban we ask him if he enjoyed sleeping in? Silence! He refused to speak to us at all he was so mad. We drove al the way to DeQueen and he would not take part in our conversations or speak at all. When we stopped to get some supper he stayed in the Suburban. On the way home we needled him every now and then just for effect. I told him I felt like he must be staying silent because he was in awe of the masters of retribution and knew he was out classed. Silence! We got back to the hanger in DeQueen and he got out and got in his car went home still not speaking. Pete and I thought it was so funny we couldnt stand up were laughing so hard. He didnt have to come back to work for several days after we got back home and when he finally did he was talking to us again. He told me that he was going to get Pete and I for that little stunt. That we would pay dearly. I told him everyone needs a goal in life and I am flattered that you put us up there as yours, but to remember he was dealing with masters of covert retribution and creativity. Then I laughed and got on with my daily business. He tried many times to get his revenge, but he was never a big success. But those are stories for another day.
Posted on: Fri, 29 Aug 2014 14:49:31 +0000

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