Oxytosin Cuddle Hormone Ive heard of this study, and I know for a - TopicsExpress


Oxytosin Cuddle Hormone Ive heard of this study, and I know for a fact that there are a lot of things that go on with me after a GOOD hug since I have very limited human physical contact. Hugs can make you feel younger: Cuddle hormone could improve bone health and combat muscle wasting Scientists at the University of California, Berkeley, believe that the cuddle hormone oxytocin could help old people recover from muscle injuries faster Hormone is naturally released in response to physical touch Widely dubbed the love hormone, numerous other names have been given to oxytocin recently - hug hormone, cuddle chemical, moral molecule, bliss hormone - since researchers have begun to uncover its effects on behavior, including its role in love, in addition to its female biological functions in reproduction. Recent developments about oxytocins effects on emotion Oxytocin: the monogamy hormone? This study, published in the journal PNAS in November 2013, examined brain scans of men who had received oxytocin or placebo via a nasal spray. The oxytocin was associated with activation of the mens reward centres in their brains, and with greater feelings of attraction to their partners versus other women in photographs. This followed a very similar study in The Journal of Neuroscience in November 2012: A hormone can help keep men faithful. High oxytocin levels trigger oversensitivity to emotions of others. Released in January 2014, this study in Emotion found that people receiving oxytocin nasal spray saw facial expression of emotions in others more intensely. Oxytocin makes you feel more extroverted. This 2011 research paper in Psychopharmacology gave results from intranasal oxytocin improving self-perception in social situations, amplifying personality traits such as warmth, trust, altruism and openness. The hormone that allows us to love may also encourage us to lie. This 2014 study found participants given oxytocin were more likely to lie for the benefit of the group.
Posted on: Sat, 03 Jan 2015 23:04:47 +0000

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