P.S.-17 - TopicsExpress


P.S.-17 奉主名斷開一切沉重、不禱告、沉睡的靈。 According to name of Lord, to disconnect all heavy instructions, spirit of not pray and deep sleep. 耶路撒冷的命運 The destiny of Jerusalem 沒有人聽警告 Warning is not listening 將來的希望 Wish 以賽亞書 29:16 Isaiah 29:17 29:17 黎巴嫩變為肥田,肥田看如樹林,不是只有一點點時候嗎? Is it not yet a very little while, and Lebanon shall be turned into a fruitful field, and the fruitful field shall be esteemed as a forest? < 更新中英文版本 > Update Chinese and English version 感謝 聖靈帶領我,讓 讚美神及見證 點閱數已超過 17,500人.AMEN. Praise to the Lord Almighty for over 17,500 people browsed my testimonies , Amen. 聖經:bible 使徒行傳Acts 2章47節: 讚美 神,得眾民的喜愛.主將得救的人.天天加給他們. Praising God, and having favour with all the people. And the Lord added to the church daily such as should be saved. 雖然經過各樣阻礙, 神意是不容輕視的, 把 榮耀 歸給 主, AMEN. Despite all obstacles, God should not be taken lightly, give glory to the Lord, AMEN. When I experienced adversities, Gods will directed me. 1. 請上網 Internet access(Please visit the web site): youtube/watch?v=lxn3gnkw98k&feature=youtu.be(我的心,你要稱頌耶和華(Praise The Lord, O My Soul) youtu.be/AhefOcJDORc (平安夜Silent Night) ( 彈完聖歌後,再用禱告呼求 神的名.) After playing prayer on the piano, I called God’s name. youtu.be/Fy8DO5YqpOk (這一生最美的祝福 The Best Blessing in This Life ) 彈完聖歌後,再用禱告 讚美 神 ! After playing prayer on the piano, I praised God ! youtu.be/rpwP8p5uef4 神奇異象分享 ( Magic Vision Sharing ) youtu.be/9lnEZWDjLA4 主 醫治的 恩典 ( Sharing Healing power ) 2. 你也可經由下列路徑達此網址: spry.tw 右 ->築壇獻祭 ->其他( other ) 欄內 This Web site can be reached via the following path: spry.tw built altars the sacrifice -> (BUILDING ALTARS AND OFFERINGS) -> (other) in column 3. 我願與你分享神所賜的見證、經驗、異象、異夢、足夠的恩典、和醫治。讓我們歸榮耀給 神。 I would like to share witnesses, experiences, visions, dreams, sufficient grace and healing given by God. Let us bring glory to God. AMEN.
Posted on: Tue, 09 Dec 2014 09:08:02 +0000

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