P.S.C 99.99% common Suggestion Subject ENGLISH ***:-Reading - TopicsExpress


P.S.C 99.99% common Suggestion Subject ENGLISH ***:-Reading test (unseen comprehension):- The name of our country --------------------------------------- love my country very much. It was a hot summer day. A man ------------------------------- left the place very quickly. After a month’s fasting --------------- ----------------------------they embraced each other. Once there was a young boy ---------------------------------------- she said to the stranger. It was a hot summer day ------------------------------ ---------------------flew away happily. Once upon a time, there lived a poor farmer named Abul --------------- ---- poor again. There lived a wood cutter in a village ------------------------------ ------------------ honesty. A long time ago the town of Hamelin ------------------------ revenge on the people of Hamelin. Once there was an old farmer who had four sons. --------------- ----------- unitedly and happily. There lived a shepherd boy ------------------------------ ------------------------------- for his telling lies. Once upon a time, two friends were walking ------------ ashamed and finally begged pardon. Reading test (seen comprehension): Saikat lives --------------- ------------------------------ -----------------------------books every day. Raju is a firefighter --------------- ------------------------------ ------------------ to be firefighter. The name of my home town ---------------------------------------- proudof my home town. Once there was a hare --------------- ------------------------------------ before he could do so. It is a beautiful --------------- ------------------------------ -------------------------a quick learner. On 14 December --------------- -----------------------an experience we would never forget. My name is Shuvo --------------- ------------------------------ -------------had great experience. পরবর্তী আপডেট পেতে এই পোষ্টে লাইক দিন এবং কার কি প্রয়োজন কমান্টে জানান। কার কি লাগবে সেটা তো আমি জানি না, তাই আমাকে বললে ভাল হয়। Admin >>> prince rarayhan chowdhury
Posted on: Sat, 25 Oct 2014 10:02:18 +0000

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