P.S. Naming The Beast... For a time, maybe it was part of Gods - TopicsExpress


P.S. Naming The Beast... For a time, maybe it was part of Gods plan to reward some men and women who were willing to cross the line into darkness. After all without darkness there would be no light. But now, the purpose for all that is not of The Light... has run its course... so its time to clean. Setting up a final fight between those who serve The Beast and those who simply will NOT. Unfortunately also for a time, The Beast knew a secret that no one else knew. The Beast knew... The Idea of Elitism can be very, very, very seductive and even the most ardent Believers and Capitalist Leaders arent immune to The Disease of Elitism. There it is, out in the open... The Beast has finally been named. Over the years, no matter what name The Beast preferred to be called... the first name of The Seven Headed Beast has always been Elitism. The name of The Beast is out in the open today because this is the end-game. There is no reason to hide anymore. The Land of The Free openly kneels before The Alter of The Elite. Elitism is the ideology of those who believe... that the strong should rule the weak. The Idea of Equality on the other hand, is the ideology of those who disagree. Which ideology is right for America? Well, I guess the truth is... We wont know until after the fight. Elitism is how the credit markets went bust with all sorts of people trying to keep-up with the Kardashians or Paris Hilton or Donald Trump. Elitism is how The Terminator became Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger. Elitism is how $50,000 a year college educations came about. The Elitist say, dont worry... when we find one of us well pay for their school, books and cost of living and to show you just how good we can be, it simply doesnt matter how different you are... because when you are one of us you are truly one of us and we know how to take care of our own. Ask any high school aged kid and they will tell you it hurts like hell not to be liked by the in-group or to be on the teachers bad side when its time to be graded. Just like the schoolyard bully... The Elitists count on your fear of not being liked and your fear of being told you are not good enough in the eyes of The Group. What matters most to The Elitists is not so much proof of good deeds... but that you say you agree with the group and support the purposes of their King or Queen. Thats how you get in-good with The Elitist Group... when proof of empty words is all you have to offer the team. President Obama made that point loud and clear when he nominated Harvard Law School Dean, Elana Kagan to one of the most exclusive invitation only clubs in the world... The United States Supreme Court. Bill Gates has more money than almost anyone in the world and hes no elitist. So this fight isnt class warfare or about being rich or having money... though The Elitists really like their money. This fight is over who gets to be the decider... You or the in-group who gets to decide for you. What the The Elitists like more than anything else is power... power over the power of choice. Because they know when you choose your power of choice grows stronger and stronger and over time, you might find the Freedom, Faith and Courage to choose the leadership of someone else or even worse, choose to think for yourself. Some of the most ugly words I have ever seen came from the mouth of one of the most beautiful and influential women in the world, when Supermodel Gisele Bundchen said there should be a worldwide law to make women breastfeed their children for 6 months after giving birth. When asked how long she breastfed her young child... she answered 3 1/2 weeks. Do as I say... not as I do is the ugly Elitist creed. They say its not greed, its just a strong desire to take care of you guessed it the sheep. The more you think for yourself... more Elitists fall from power. So The Elitists make more and more rules, laws, taxes, tolls and entitlements to take away your choices whenever they can. Elitism has taken hold of American Leadership and the timing couldnt be worse. The world is on fire and in desperate need of unselfish leadership and the best that America could produce in 2008 was a catchy slogan about Hope and Change... and it doesnt matter if you voted for John McCain... We are all to blame for The Elitist reign. Elitism runs rampant on The Left and on The Right and make no mistake... Americas Elitists began running America into the ground long, long, long before Barack Obama came to town. We all belong to our groups and have our preferred home team and the tension and competition between teams can be a very good thing in deed. Until the dark day comes when The People finally wake-up to discover the truth that all The Elitist teams are owned by the same ugly owner and one way or another the good people of America are the ones who are forced to pay the price for his filthy, insatiable appetite. The Elitists favorite strategy is the blame game. Thats the game they play to keep US at war with each other and from seeing who is fundamentally to blame for Americas foreign and domestic policy failures... and who really caused Americas problems with debt. But the problem with the blame game is that its a game that cant be played forever. Sooner or later you run out of people to blame. Once that happens The Elitists cant hide the fact that some men and women continue to feed like The Kings and Queens of old on the taxpayer and shareholder dime and on the Blood, Sweat and Tears of The American Soldier and their families... in the dark aftermath of 9-11. Make no mistake a perpetual wave of real change is washing over America. Its not the idea of Hope and Change or for that matter its not any idea that could ever fit into a political slogan or on a bumper sticker. It is much too big for that. It begins with the idea that Americas political leaders have been employing strategies for many years that are intentionally designed to keep American voters divided, distracted and in the dark so they can have their power and fame... but now, everything is about to change. Maybe the solution to The Tribulation we face is as simple as removing The Dark Stain of Elitism from Our Core Beliefs- one belief at a time, by starting a war of ideas for control of The American Way... The Elitists on one side of the fight and the rest of US on the other. Yes, in thinking about the solutions to Americas trouble with systemic corruption and the abuse of power ... Think... Clean Baby, Clean. Like the idea of Clean Baby, Clean but dont know where to begin? Begin with a good cleaning of your bathroom and see what comes next. Why start there? On your hands and knees scrubbing what cant be seen from your feet or when someone else does your cleaning... is the gift of humble eyes and the wisdom and ability to see that the wisdom and ability to lead comes only AFTER one has cleaned their own home first. Thats how we bring The Blame Game crashing to an end when each of US finally looks in the mirror and decides The Great Cleaning begins with Me... first! By the way, the second name of The Beast is... The Pig. How does one go about ending the reign of The Pig... when The Beast by any name or in any shape or form cant be taken by force? You force The Pig to go slow, eat Light, Live Clean and within his means... and of course, respect The Little Guy. So feed the light in each of us... then let the two sides (Light and Dark)- fight! How does one feed the light? Begin by expanding true belief in The Idea of Equality and then see what comes next. But remember, too much light too fast can be very, very painful and might even be deadly. Need proof? Ask The 33 Rescued Chilean Miners to tell you their stories. So in other words, for best results... slow-cook The Pig with lots of pressure. The other names of The Beast in no particular order are Communism, Socialism, Racism... and because The Beast cant be taken by force- the last two names of The Seven Headed Beast will remain a guarded secret until it is finally time to bring The Beast to his knees. But for now, we will call the last two secret names of The Beast... The Democratic Party and The Republican Party. Until that day... it helps to remember that The Beasts favorite chip to put into the game of life... is the threat of destroying YOUR good name. Thats why its game over... now that The Beast has finally been named! Finally, remember this... Who wins this fight between The Dark and The Light in The End... all depends upon who proves more committed to their dreams in... THE END.
Posted on: Sat, 22 Feb 2014 10:33:21 +0000

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