PA 582 Final Exam Updated Public Policy Formulation and - TopicsExpress


PA 582 Final Exam Updated Public Policy Formulation and Implementation Keller Please Download Here! studentswithsolutions/view-tutorial.aspx?TutorialId=40539 (TCO A) Government in general, and public administration in particular, have changed fairly drastically over the past few decades. Explain some of the factors and trends that are transforming these areas. (Points : 30) Within the last decade, new rules and regulations were executed. Many of these rules and regulations are still in place, but most of them have had additional policies applied to it or some of them were… (TCO B) Efficiency should be one of the goals of an effective public policy. Under the traditional managerial approach to public administration, that goal is consistent with the rational-comprehensive model of decision making. Please define, or otherwise explain, the rational-comprehensive model of decision making and detail how a governmental entity might be organized to effectively use that model. (Points : 30) The rational-comprehensive approach to decision-making is used by the traditional management approach, which is dependent on bureaucratic organization… (TCO B) Equity should be one of the goals of an effective public policy. Explain how the adjudication model of decision making in public administration may help to achieve this goal. Also, mention at least one issue that may exist with the use of the adjudication model. (Points : 30) The adjudication model of decision making achieves equity in that it ensures that both parties are heard and that both parties are allowed to provide evidence to prove… (TCO C) Legislatures, whether the Congress of the United States or at a state level, often pass legislation that is vague. Hence, the policy mandates given to public administrators via the legislation are vague. Explain first why our elected representatives might create vague statutes and resulting policy directives. Then explain how this may shift policy making to public administrators. (Points : 30) When elected representatives create vague statues which result in policy directives it is because of Congress. Congress will grant then a great degree of independence when it comes to policy making initiatives. This is… (TCO D) A first step in measuring the effectiveness of a public policy or program initiative is to understand the differences between policy outputs and policy outcomes. Please define each of these two terms. Then also explain briefly why it can be difficult to measure a cause and effect between policy outputs and policy outcomes of any given public policy or program initiative. (Points : 30) Policy outputs refer to the actions that are actually performed by the government whereas policy outcomes refer to the results brought about by… (TCO D) Measuring the effectiveness of a public policy or program initiative can be difficult because usually a pure experimental design cannot be used on account of logistical problems and ethical concerns. In some circumstances, a quasi-experimental design of research can be used to determine if a correlation between a policy change and the results have a cause and effect relationship. Please explain the basics of a quasi-experimental design, and explain how that framework can be used at a state level to try to measure the effectiveness of the public policy. (Points : 30) There are three different designs of researches and they are pure experimental design of research, nonexperimental design of research and… (TCO E) Define the term public-private partnership. Explain at least two of the challenges facing the public sector and how this structure may help to alleviate those challenges. (Points : 30) A public-private partnership is a business relationship between a government agency and a private-sector company. It is formed for the… (TCO E) A public administrator working for a federal agency and overseeing the funding of the public policy implementation for its programs should be cognizant of the federal budget process. Please provide an overview of that process. Assume that you are the program director. Explain how your understanding of the process will assist you in that role. (Points : 30) In order to budget and public finance, there are three levels of government budgeting. These include the federal, state, and local government levels. According to the U.S. Constitution, the federal government is charged with the authority and power to… (TCO G) With driving while impaired being a problem in your state, a new law was enacted requiring stricter enforcement of the existing statutes. As a public administrator in charge of the implementation, describe the steps that you feel should be taken so that the policy can be placed in effect in a cost-effective manner. To implement the policy in a cost-effective manner, the policy must first be passed down from the state to the appropriate government agency. In this case, the policy… (TCO I) Between election cycles, a citizen may become disgruntled with the actions (or lack of actions) of his or her representatives. Some states allow a person to use an initiative process to try to force a change. These initiatives can also be called by other names, such as ballot measure, proposal, or proposition. No matter the name, please describe the general process for an initiative to occur. Also, describe at least two possible requested outcomes of an initiative at the state level. The general process for an initiative involves the drafting of a legislative bill or constitutional amendment by the citizens. Next, the citizens propose… (TCO F) Olympus School District is in a geographic area that is experiencing rapid population growth. As a result, the district needs three additional schools as soon as reasonably possible. The district is allowed to impose property taxes and has a strong tax base. However, provisions on existing bonds payable restrict its ability to issue more bonds to pay for the construction of the new schools. A consultant from the state education department has suggested to the board of the district to consider entering into a public-private partnership. Please define this term: public-private partnership. What advantage should occur from entering into such an arrangement? Propose a scenario for the construction of the schools using such an arrangement. (Points : 30) Public-private partnerships would be an appropriate way to achieve policy objectives if recognized public figures support the initiative as… (TCO G) Your state has recently passed a law requiring each resident of the state to be covered by at least a minimum amount of health insurance. As a public administrator in charge of the implementation, describe the steps that you feel should be taken so that the policy can be placed in effect in a cost-effective manner. (Points : 30) When implementing a new public policy, an implementation plan should be created to ensure that the impact of the new policies and procedures will… (TCO H) Once an agency is established to implement a new public policy, that entity may continue to exist year-after-year without evaluation as to its continuing relevance. Some might say that this is a problem. A sunset provision when an agency is created may help to overcome this potential issue. Please define or otherwise explain the term sunset provision in the context of the creation of an agency. Also, explain how such a provision may help the public. (Points : 30) Implementing sunset provisions would be one way of providing a meaningful way by which a new policy can be evaluated. This will enable the… (TCO I) Democracy can be either direct or indirect. Please define both direct democracy and indirect democracy. Generally, which do we have in the United States? Explain briefly what role initiatives, referendums, and recalls might play in this distinction between direct democracy and indirect democracy. (Points : 30) In a direct democracy, the people are able to directly make decisions through the proposal of laws or of referendums on laws that are not favored: through the election…
Posted on: Thu, 28 Aug 2014 03:37:02 +0000

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