( PA-NATAR-APU-PA-MAAT ): HOW SWEET IS THE TRUTH. ( S.T.E. / SMAI-TAWI EXPERIENCE ): WITHIN THE KHU / SPIRIT OF THE, SMAI-TAWI. ( RA-ATON-PER-HOTEP ). ( ANKH-UDJA-SENEB ). Life, Health, Prosperity. ( RA-NEB-ER-TCHER-RA ). ( UBEN-TA-MERII / TA-MERII RISING ). ( SHEM-ANIT-HAPII / NILE VALLEY MOVEMENT ). ( NEFER-SHEN-HRU-PA-NEBU ): Dua, hotep & divine blessings of the HRU / Day, Morning, Night unto ALL, may you, ( PER-T-EM-HOTEP-HRU-PA-NEBU ) /come & go forth daily in HOTEP / Peace, giving , ANKH-UDJA-SENEB / Life, Health, Prosperity , like Nefer Neter RA, forever forward. WELCOME TO THE NU-AGE-ORDER OF THE GREAT AGE OF, ( MAAT / HAPII ) , A.K.A. ( AQUARIUS ), AN AGE OF COSMIC AWARENESS & UNIVERSAL ENLIGHTENMENT. BEHOLD: Many are the mysteries concerning the Universe & the ANKH / life that is found within it, this is also true regarding the theories, laws that govern them. Who am I.?????? Where do I come from. ?????? Why am I here. ??????? Where am I going. ????? All the known & unknown forces of the Universe are of ( 1 ) origin, necessity becomes the ORDER by which these forces reveal themselves, EXISTENCE demands that ENERGY be spent, EXISTENCE is realized by the EXPANSION of ENERGY that must have a source, in the case of our Universe , ANKH/ life, is always associated to HEAT & MOVEMENT / RADIATION & LIGHT, but, the ENERGY that drives the entire Universe, is of the direct result of the, SELF-CREATION of, ( RA-NEB-ER-TCHER-RA ), which produces the phenomenon of, ELECTROMAGNETIC ATTRACTION & REPULSION, along with the ANOMALIES of HEAT & MOVEMENT. 1st. you must, RELEASE YOURSELF, then you must, SEEKOUT YOURSELF, overcome the sensation of, WEIGHTLESSNESS, embrace ( MAAT ), WITHIN YOURSELF, then you will, DESIRE TO ACQUIRE THE ABILITY TO EXPERIENCE THE PHENOMENON OF BEING, OR THE ABILITY TO , SELF-CREATE. ANUK-HERU / ANUK-HERU, I AM HERU / I AM HERU. I give you my wings so that you may fly, I give you my eyes so you will never die, O, you divine ( SHEM-SU-HERU ), gather, gather / rally unto me, and I will lead you to the true, righteous, ( MAATIAN ) path of, IMMORTALITY, follow the movement of the stars, ( SPDT / SIRIUS & RA ), and you will find yourself in a perfect state in space & time, acknowledge the divine cosmic environment that you are seeing, and you will desire to acquire the ability to experience the phenomenon of being Do you know what it feels like to be an uncrowned King / Queen, lacking honor, a throne, a calendar, a crown, and just about everything, well, let me tell you of our story, of our most earliest ancient African indigenous primordial Pharaonic peoples in their glory, those who were / are born from the, G.L.O.K. / Q. those who were / are born from the Great Line of Kings & Queens, from diamonds and pearls, gold, emeralds and all precious things, everyday trinkets for those who were / are born from the Great Line of Kings & Queens, everyday trinkets for those who were / are born from the Great Line of King & Queens, but, without your past you can only live life in half, half man, half woman, half beast, half slave, and this trend of thought is all you have sought, all you have bought, without knowledge of yesterday, without knowledge of yesterday ( THE JOURNEY OF IMMORTALITY BEGINS WITH YOUR 1ST. HRU / DAY. ). FROM PROPHECY TO REALITY: ( SHABIT-EM-TUA-HRU-PA-MAAT ): THE ANCIENT PHARAONIC ( RA-SAURIAN ) 3 IN 1 NU-AGE ( WORLD ) SOLAR / SUDEREAL / LUNA CALENDAR RA-FORM / REFORM & THE ( NETERU-OLOGICAL ) STAR-TIME-LINE ). BEHOLD: Today is the # ( 18th. ) HRU / day of the # ( 1st. ) month of our Great Divine Nefer Neter, TEHUTII. The # ( 2nd. ) HRU / day of the Nefer Neter, HERU. MONDAY AUGUST 11TH. 2014. A.D. / ANNI DOMINI. A.C.E. / AFTER CHRISTIAN ERA. A.U.C. / AB URBE CORDITA. UPON THE FOUNDING OF THE CITY OF ROME. On the Gregorian calendar. DAY / # ( 18TH. ) - , . MONTH / # ( 1ST. ) - , . YEAR / # ( 4 ) - , . Of the NU-AGE-ORDER of the Great Age of ( MAAT / HAPII ) / a.k.a. ( AQUARIUS ), an Age of COSMIC AWARENESS & UNIVERSAL ENLIGHTENMENT. On the, ( SHABIT-EM-TUA-HRU-PA-MAAT ): The Ancient Pharaonic ( RA-SAURIAN ) 3 in 1 NU-AGE ( WORLD ) Solar / Sidereal / Luna Calendar Ra-form / Reform & the NU-AGE-ORDER NETERU-OLOGICAL STAR-TIME-LINE. Of our Great Divine Paternal Father Nefer Neter, ( ASAR-UN-NEFER-KHENTII-AMENTII ) & Our Great Divine Maternal Mother Goddess Nefer Netert, ( AST-UR-MUT-PUAT-NETERU-PA-NEBU ). The year of the, ( UP-UAT-SMAI-TAWI-WEP-REN-PET-DJED-HEB ). The year of the, ( OPENING OF THE 1ST. UNIFIED ( WORLD ) ANCIENT TA-MERIAN / PHARAONIC / KHEMETIC / NU-WAUPIAN / MOORS / ANCIENT EGYPTIAN ORDER NU-YEARS CELEBRATION ). Which will occur on, July 25th. @ 5:03 a.m. 30 longitude, 30 latitude. N.E. / S.E. vertical line of the Great Pyramid on the Giza plateau. August 3rd. @ 5:24 a.m. East Coast / Northern, Southern Hemisphere, August 9th. @ 5:56 a.m. West Coast / Northern, Southern Hemisphere. When the stars, ( SPDT / SIRIUS & RA ) , appears in unison in, ( AB-TET-KHUTII-AKER-T-PA-TA-MERII ), the easternmost region of the horizon in, ( TA-MERII ). 1st. you must, RELEASE YOURSELF, then you must, SEEKOUT YOURSELF, overcome the sensation of, WEIGHTLESSNESS, embrace ( MAAT ), WITHIN YOURSELF, then you will, DESIRE TO ACQUIRE THE ABILITY TO EXPERIENCE THE PHENOMENON OF BEING. So as ( IT ) is, WRITTEN, so let ( IT ) be, SPOKEN, so let ( IT ) be, DONE, so shall ( IT ), BE. FOR NOW & FOREVER FORWARD. ( RA-NEB-ER-TCHER-RA ). ( UBEN-TA-MERII / TA-MERII RISING ). ( SHEM-ANIT-HAPII / NILE VALLEY MOVEMENT ). ( S.T.E / SMAI-TAWI EXPERIENCE ). Desire to acquire the ability to experience the phenomenon of being daily. ptahoriginals
Posted on: Mon, 11 Aug 2014 23:29:28 +0000

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