PA. PROPHET SAMUEL GABRIEL ASOLO MINISTERIAL CALL Prophet Gabriel Samuel Asolo is the FounderGeneral Overseer of the Christ Followers Church of Nigeria worldwide. In this interview with OLU OSUNDE, he speaks on the inexpediency of fast as a prerequisite for miracles and other sundry issues. Excerpts: HOW has it been in the last 50years of the ministry? We have passed through so many things. It is he who God protects that would be free from troubles. It is God who has been keeping us till today; it is beyond human wisdom. During this anniversary, I am going to thank God for keeping me standing without deviating or falling into the hands of the enemies. These are some of the reasons why I’m going to thank God. What was the beginning like and what were you doing before venturing into God’s work? I was a trained bricklayer but after my apprenticeship God said that was not where He was sending me. He asked me to go to the bar beach in 1960. I left the beach in 1963 for one remote area in Ibadan called Akiroro and I was there for 8 years. I later came to the city and I joined the church of Aderogba but I left the church for personal reasons. I later came to settle down here in Olorunsogo after I had been to other places. How did God call you from the bricklaying job? At first I did not want to heed the call but when I was faced with difficulties and joblessness I had to obey. Then, he ordered me to go to the beach so that he could endow me with power. Can you tell us your encounter at the beach? Then the beach was not as it is now. Today, carnality has taken over. The set of people that are found at the beach go there for different things. Some of them are not called by God. It is the wrath of God that is upon the beach today and that is why it is as it is. There is nobody who would go to the beach and come back the same way without being touched by God. Fake prophets have invaded the place. Tell us some of your terrible experiences in the last 50 years? I will tell one major experience that made me fled Ibadan. The boys that I gave the money to purchase a piece of land for me to build a church, in a bid to resell the land, they sent hired killers to me but God saved me. The hired killers were 14 in number, they jumped the fence to get to me with cutlasses in their hands but as they were about to hit me, the power of God fell on them and they fled through the same way they came in. I took them to court but when justice was not forth coming, I left the case. This was why I left Ibadan in August 1992 for Lagos. Another interesting encounter I had in Ibadan was the day mobile police rounded my house up. I had already slept that night when the spirit of God told me to go outside to see what was going on. I was surprised to see their vehicle, they even brought machine guns. When I asked them what they were looking for, they said they got an information that I had been housing a culprit in my house. They claimed that the culprit was a coup-plotter under Babangida’s regime and they have been looking for him. They ransacked my entire house and I allowed them. Their refusal to visit the room where we normally treat mentally deranged people resulted in argument and they took me to their station. I was not released until late in the night. Can you tell us some of the miracles God has wrought through you? The dead had been raised to life in this ministry. There was a boy called Mukailah who was brought here dead late in the night. I prayed for him and he came back to life. His mother and relatives were all here crying profusely. So, also was the case of a young lady who was brought dead from her place of work. I don’t collect money from people and people don’t fast in my church. (Cuts in) ...why, but the Bible says these things cannot be done except through fasting and praying? Thank you. When Jesus was asked in the Bible why His disciples were eating when they ought to be fasting, Jesus told them they could not be fasting while He was still with them. So, in my church I’m the husbandman. There is no member of my church that should fast when I’m still around and miracles have not ceased to happen. People have bastardised the essence of fasting, there is no amount of fasting you can do, you will still not be faced with problems. You can even try it. Try and fast for 7 days and see if you will not be faced with more problems. God has given me power that can overcome this, the power that God gave me covers this. My church members are getting blessed by the day, people are trooping to the church, God is adding to His church. So, what then do we need? What about tithing because there are also churches that don’t believe in the payment of tithe? That one is clearly stated in the Bible. If you go to the book of Malachi and Leviticus you will see it there. The bible encourages us to give alms and to pay our tithes.
Posted on: Fri, 07 Jun 2013 14:08:22 +0000

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