PAGAN RITUAL Pagans are known for so many things, amongst - TopicsExpress


PAGAN RITUAL Pagans are known for so many things, amongst these so called things would have to be our tendency to engage in weird, wild and all together wonderful Rituals of various degrees and of varying nature. The Witches Wheel of the Year is just one example of the many ritual holidays celebrated by pagans. The Wheel consists of 8 festivals: 2 Solstices, 2 Equinoxes and 4 Cross Quarter Days. However it is important to note that not all pagans ritually celebrate the wheel in its entirety, some may only celebrate the solstices and equinoxes while other may march to an entirely different beat and the nature of that unique beat can depend on culture, path, ancestry, hell even age and gender may play a part in such ritual celebrations. Then of course we can not discount the driving force behind ritual. And by that I mean that not all pagan ritual contains a salubrious nature. Some can be rather solemn, solitary and in quite a few cases secret. Some may be Now with all this in mind what does the term Pagan Ritual mean when looked at through several cultural lenses? What does the term mean to you personally? And what images or practices does it conjure in your minds eye when you hear others speak of Ritual? These are just some of the many aspects of Pagan Ritual which we will be closely examining over the course of a fortnight. We will attempt to look at pagan ritual aspects cross culturally as well as examine a little closer, rituals of a particular nature whether common or lesser known. We hope you enjoy our topic selection this fortnight and that you keep in mind that YES! we do do requests. So if you have a topic that you would like us to cover in more depth, then do pleas let us know! Many blessings, The Elemental Witch Team Image source: Realmagick, The Guardian, Bob Woods, The Craft, Unknown.
Posted on: Mon, 24 Nov 2014 23:00:01 +0000

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