PAGES FROM THE BOOK The next day I and my mother met her at her - TopicsExpress


PAGES FROM THE BOOK The next day I and my mother met her at her new resident and she gave us the terms and conditions of the agreement. We were confounded at the terms she proposed. I was terrified of what might happen to me if it turns out that I was not able to pay her back in two to three years. Once again she read my mind and said that anyone one who gives in to negative thought was bound to have negative result. And that one should never think of impossibilities. To boost my moral, she said if she had refrained from the terms Kate meted to her she might had been in a worse situation than I. To her, life was full of challenges and surprises and these challenges and surprises are the spices of life. She said there was no easy way to success, no coming to heaven with dry eyes. She left me and my mother for about thirty minutes to come into conclusion with her terms. Mother whispered and asked me what I think. To her, if Kate and Itohan passed through the same process and came out unharmed then mine won´t be different. I tried to raise a point but she quickly placed her hands over my mouth. She repeated Itohan´s words about thinking negative and advised me to always stay positive minded henceforth. Itohan came back and looked deep into my eyes. I guess she was trying to reach into my soul. I managed a smile and she smiled back in reassurance that all is well. At dusk we set off to see the Olokun priest, his house was at the end of the stream. He was an aged man in his late sixties but looked like one in his nineties. His body which seemed to have failed him was slightly bent and was supported by his walking stick which doubtless was also his mantle of office. His strong voice and frightening look were things he will carry to his grave and will leave an unforgettable image in the hearts of all that have been there. His hut had drawings of reptiles and strange spirit beings of different forms that somehow emanate strange powers. These images and the perceived presence of strange spirits sent cold sweat running down my spine. Itohan told him the reason for our coming to his place and gave him cola nut, enough money to cover consultation and the ritual. In a couple of hours everything was prepared. We were dressed in white and had drawings of a large evil eye on our bare chest. Four big circles were drawn with a native chalk on our backs representing the elements of the world as witnesses to the oath I was about to swear.
Posted on: Sat, 29 Jun 2013 09:19:52 +0000

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