PAIN IN THE ASS? (PART ONE) A REAL pain in the ass refers to - TopicsExpress


PAIN IN THE ASS? (PART ONE) A REAL pain in the ass refers to piriformis syndrome caused by a tight piriformis The piriformis muscle is located deep in the buttock behind the gluteus maximus It attaches from the sacrum(tailbone )to the femur(thigh bone) It sits on top of the sciatic nerve which is the longest and thickest nerve in the body When the sciatic nerve is injured or stressed it causes pain down the leg and can make one limp CAUSES Short,tight piriformis muscle increase tension in the sciatic nerve thus squeezing it and causing inflammation WHAT MAKES PIRIFORMIS MUSCLE TIGHT/SHORT Lack of stretching,that s why you will feel pain after exercising Foot dysfunction,thi s is seen when your shoes are worn out at the sides Chronic subluxation,tha t is a stuck joint with neurological implication weak gluteal muscles PROLONGED EFFECTS On and off back pain On and off hip pain Numbness and tingling in the legs or feet Pain when sitting,walking or lying down
Posted on: Tue, 18 Jun 2013 06:00:45 +0000

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