PAKISTAN: Trafficking organs of dead Christians -- the government - TopicsExpress


PAKISTAN: Trafficking organs of dead Christians -- the government must conduct a high powered probe (AHRC) Vatican news agency, Agenzia Fides, reported a horrific crime taking place in Pakistan where, not only hundreds of Christians were killed in a church bombing in Peshawar city, KPK, but now it is reported that the dead were stripped off their organs by paramedics which were then sold the illegal organ trade black market. It is also reported in some sections of the media that persons from law enforcement agencies were involved. The human organs are sold at high prices and when events involve non-Muslims everything and anything is allowed and the crime is justified by fundamental ideologies. Although the news published in Agenzia Fides has not been confirmed by independent sources the very substance of the report is too horrifying to be ignored. However, regardless of the lack of confirmation the government of Pakistan must immediately probe the allegations and stop the criminal acts of any persons involved in the trafficking of human organs. While the incident mentioned in Agenzia Fides may not be proven as yet, the sale of human organs in Pakistan is nothing new. In fact, the news in the Vatican based website is more alarming as Pakistan has a very bad international reputation with regards to the state sponsored persecution of religious minority communities. Please see: ASIA/PAKISTAN - After the bombs, atrocities against Christians, organ trafficking concerning victims of Peshawar? Agenzia Fides reported in the September 28 dispatch that, ".....after the bombs in the Church of All Saints in Peshawar, the situation remains tense in the Pakistani society: not only tragedy but also horror. The Christians said they were "horrified" by the rumors that link the bombs in Peshawar to the vast problem of organ trafficking: this is what some members of NGOs in civil society in Pakistan told Fides. Some of the "jackals", presumably local paramedics, seem to have taken advantage of the high number of deaths and injuries in order to steal the bodies of victims and exploit them for the illegal organ trade".
Posted on: Mon, 30 Sep 2013 07:19:20 +0000

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