PALESTINE IS UKRAINE Zio-Nazism is getting to the new level of - TopicsExpress


PALESTINE IS UKRAINE Zio-Nazism is getting to the new level of its aggression and crime. The realisation of the #Zionist plan to build the Greater Israel from Nile to Euphrates has started. Zionism uses terrorist organisations as its weapon, from #ISIS to #MuslimBrotherhood, and #NeoNazi of Ukraine. Zionists undertake mass genocide of #Palestinians, #Syrians, #Iraqi, and #Russians from Palestine to the Eastern parts of Ukraine. The present Zionist attack on #Palestine and Russians in the Eastern part of #Ukraine signifies that Zionism is at its critical point. Either it will get the world domination under the false pretence of the Zio-Nazi #NewWorldOrder, or it would lose its power with the destruction of the Zio-Nazi financial domination over the world through the system of the Zio-Nazi owned central banks by the #BRICS countries getting out of petro-dollar. With the Zio-Nazi coup dEtat in Ukraine, the Zio-Nazi started the colonisation of #Eurasia. Zionists plan to use ISIS against not only the Middle Eastern #Arab countries, and Iran, but also against Russia and China, which both have #Muslim provinces. After the destruction and partitioning of #Russia and #China, Zionists plan to use ISIS as a weapon against #Europe, since there is a prediction that there will be an #Islamic #Caliphate that would include the territory of Europe. #Spain and #France are targets number one, since they compete with #Brit-Zionists for many centuries. After ISIS destroy #Christian civilisation of Europe, it is planned to be itself destroyed. At that moment, Zionists plan to rebuild the Temple of Solomon, and establish their world domination in the form of #CYBER SLAVERY -- #cashlesssociety and #brainchips, controlled by the Global Artificial Intellect (#AI). Global #depopulation is simply a #Talmudic plan of killing and enslaving ALL #GOYIM -- both white and black. But, in reality, 92% of all world #Jews are turks from a white (Russian) mother (#Ashkenazi). They are #Khazars, and converted into Judaism in the 8th century. NWO is nothing else but the GLOBAL #TURKIC EMPIRE.
Posted on: Wed, 23 Jul 2014 06:07:28 +0000

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