PAM DIED AND THE WORLD MUST NEVER FORGET TO REMEMBER HER..... A year ago I almost died. But I had a friend, Fergus, who caught me as I fell...Today I have published on Amazon and Kindle the book titled The Pam Pretorius Story. It will be LIVE within a day... Pams Story is a tragedy. She died around the age of 50. She was beautiful...No, stunning when she was young. Her father abused her and eventually she died a lonely death.I SAW THE CIGARETTE BURNS ON HER BREAST - SHE SHOWED ME ...How could I know that I was perhaps her last chance to survive the ordeal she was experiencing? Then I was inexperienced at Life and Death struggles. God allowed me to experience it for myself and I came to understand. Then He put it on my heart to write her story. I was allowed to speak to her from time to time. I had to fill in the blanks to create the account of her life. Much of this is the truth. If you grew up in Crawford then you will recognize the characters in this real-life play. I take responsibility for what happened. That should be a warning to those doing the same thing to their wives/daughters today. If it comes to my attention, you are going to find me or a friend of mine on your doorstep...NO MATTER WHERE YOU ARE... IT IS DONE...THE BOOK IS PUBLISHED ON AMAZON.COM AND KINDLE... God said it must be done this way... I have obeyed... The Sarah Syster that helped to make this possible died of Cancer a few months ago. This book is as much a tribute to her fighting spirit as it is to the OConnor family of Crawford where I currently live. Life is fragile. We do not know what tomorrow will bring. The legacy we leave behind is all we have control over...I hope you will buy the book... That way I can help to save a few Pams from the tragedy of Pam Pretorius... DONT JUDGE ANYONE IN THIS BOOK..JUST BECOME A BETTER HUMAN BEING AND MORE CARING... That would be the legacy of Pam Pretorius... Nelson Mandela, Mother Theresa, Mahatma Gandhi and Princess Diana...To God be the Glory of a completed project...
Posted on: Mon, 09 Dec 2013 11:59:56 +0000

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