PAN-AFRAKAN NATIONALISM AND FOREIGN RELIGIONS DON’T MIX. The absurdity of these so-called Black liberators looking to swell their ranks with Black Christians, Muslims and Jews (BCMJ) is astounding. One can hear them shouting at the top of their voice “NO SELLOUTS; NO COMPROMISE”. Yet they have an open door policy for BCMJ. These Negroes forget that if the BCMJ were serious about Afrakan Liberation, the entire Nation would have already been liberated. BCMJ are not interested in our liberation. They are more concerned with promoting their respective religion. Once you are a practicing member of the institution of Christianity, Islam and Judaism (CIJ), you are compromised. To bring a Black Christian in your Black Power Movement is to bring in his non-Black friend and paymaster from the BattyClan City; to bring in a Black Muslim in your Black Power Movement is only a matter of time for his paymaster and best friend from Riyadh to infiltrate your Movement; to bring a Black Hebrew/Israelite in the your Black Power Movement is just a matter of time for his white friend and paymaster from Telavi to come in your Movement. BCMJ doesn’t believe in the total separation from these other races. They were taught to see that as racism. So how in the hell you are going to join up with BCMJ when their institution CIJ sees your Black Power Movement as racist? They are quick to call us racists but they have used their institutions of CIJ to bring death and destruction upon us through deception, division. The BCMJ are coming to join your Black Power Movement with one aim and that is to destroy it from within. That is why we at L.U.A.N have a strict policy: we don’t accept any Black Christian, Muslim or Jew. We accept only Afrakan traditional spirituality and the way of life of Maát. If you intend to join L.U.A.N., discard your religious garb and leave your religious garbage at home or don’t bother come. You won’t be welcomed here. CIJ got to go! CIJ must go!! The myth and illusion of white supremacy must be destroyed by the BLACK TRUTH. Ptah Maakhrw Ra Amen, Elder at APCE, Minister, Gatekeeper and Warlord on the frontline for the Liberation & Unification of the Afrakan Nation (L.U.A.N.). Amen-Ra!!!!
Posted on: Mon, 08 Dec 2014 15:35:12 +0000

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