PANAFRIKANISM CENTURY 21 THE OLD TIRED PERSONNEL of the PanAfrikan Movement should be bade farewell with all the credit they have amassed from their past effort. For now, for this Century, they are hopelessly stuck in their ennui! Their modus operandi has been hopelessly allied with the politics of the compradors – those useless Africans who took over the stewardship of Afrika from the withdrawing colonialists. Perhaps the phase of the compradors was inevitable in the “natural progression” of decolonizing the Afrikan mind; But they went one over the previous efforts of the colonizers in holding Afrika down and belittling its peoples! They did absolutely nothing to ameliorate the abused condition of the indigenes. In the extreme cases (like that of mugabe in Zimbabwe) they went into overdrive in oppressing the indigenous populations: killing torturing massacring and immiseration! Ruling by fear – puncturing the self-esteem of the people, weakening them with deliberation! While leaning over backward to appease the erstwhile thieving racist colonizers; yet in all public fora shouting hoarse about PanAfricanism! And then entered Thabo Mbeki after Nelson Mandela in SA. A visionary mystic without anchorage he thrust himself into the forefront of Afrikan public opinion with his grandiose high-sounding elevated plan for “The Afrikan Renaissance.” Afrika stood on its toes; the West and its minions were consternated . . . . But no, the PanAfrikanism Project was too Big for Mbeki’s small shoulders who soon after his inauguration found his moral fibre under a severe tensile test with the intractable Zimbabwean imbroglio: mugabe refusing to vacate office after losing elections to the opposition and brutalizing his people mercilessly for daring to strip him naked of his flimsy self-importance! It was an obstacle course Mbeki miserably failed to negotiate – largely due to the “compradorial traits” of old Africa politics and the paternalistic “liberators” syndrome of their political parties that perceived themselves as entitled to all facets of power in African politics! Least plausible of all, this appeasement of a clearly undemocratic and murderous regime was based on the erroneous perception that a contrary posture by South Africa could have provoked a military confrontation with Zimbabwe!! Clearly a remote possibility! But this was the ruse used by the ANC to justify an inane hands-off policy of “quiet diplomacy” – from which SA benefited greatly with the haemorrhaging of the highly talented intellectual capital from its troubled neighbour! Then there is the turgid immobile load of the lazy “academics” who captured the PanAfrikan Movement from inception and posted abroad the illusion that something was being done to improve the lot of Afrikan people [Black people of the world]; conference after conference this illusion was pasted in the racial mind . . . . And people patiently gave these various savants a chance – afterall, they were “educated” and sounded eloquent. This uncommitted attitude, which quickly collapsed into the PanAfrikanism Movement being reduced to a sinecure for these false savants, was picked up by the Emperor Haile Selassie-I Who indefatigably worked for a visible construct, the OAU [Organization of Afrikan Unity], for PanAfrikanism to powerfully rally round. Hence the OAU has been harboured in Ethiopia ever since. Thabo Mbeki tried to “de-centralize” it from Addis Ababa with the conversion of OAU to AU [Afrikan Union] – it did not work – the Emperor refused! Today we are confronted with a plethora of demands on the PanAfrikan Movement. It should have matured by now – what’s the fruitage? Where is it? Who are the stewards? Over to you academics – what have you done for the abused Afrikans of the world? You have produced books and conferences? Only? No, it has been an “indigenous” sinecure for you guys. You get to live it up in the name of “doing something for Afrika!” African politics STINK! You have not had an influence there? Why? As for the African politicians – we don’t even speak: they are diabolical! Criminal negligence! The AFRIKAN RENAISSANCE work has to be done! But, as the Law says, a lost Opportunity does not return. The academics and politicians were given an Opportunity to do right by their people – they shunned it and chose the myopic way of selfish gain, pompous posturing and short-term pleasures at the expense of working for the many! Now a New Afrika is resolutely emerging – STAND ASIDE and Watch, Oh, ye slothful academics and your inept and evil politicians! And once again it has been left to Ras Tafari and His Rastas to provide the Spiritual Nourishment to the Black people of the world – through their teachings and their awakening Reggae Music! They are the true PanAfrikanists! Every Rasta is a PanAfrikanist but not every PanAfrikanist need be a Rasta. Perhaps the true Stewards of the AFRIKAN RENAISSANCE are the ones to finish it; RASTAS, take your places! It’s now: BLACKMAN TIME in Century 21 !
Posted on: Fri, 21 Nov 2014 10:26:45 +0000

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