PAPERS FOR GENOCIDE IN SOUTH AFRICA FILED AT INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL COURTS IN THE HAGUE . January 16, 2014 at 8:15pm YESTERDAY, on the 15 January 2014 at 15:00, I Mel Ve, as the Media Representative for Independence Commission Africa, officially and formally filed papers at the International Criminal Courts of Justice in The Hague. This is a momentous occasion for my home country of South Africa, one that shall be marked in history, as a day when we, the good people of Africa, started to seek justice for the genocide, manipulated conflict and obscene poverty, that is rampant in our beautiful land. Many Africans both black and white, have been so stupefied by poverty, that they have not been able to see the whole picture. They have been manipulated into fighting each other, brother turning upon brother, in their struggle to survive. Furthermore, a pernicious genocide wages against the Farmers of South Africa. Without farmers, there are no farms. Without farms, there is no food. Soon, all of Southern Africa will be starving. More than half the population of South Africa live in absolute poverty Over a million of them white. This is NOT, and never has been about colour. Race has always been used as an artificial mechanism of division, much like religion, and politics. But having done the research, having spent some time looking into the patterns of genocide, it points in the same direction as the roots of all suffering in the world. There is a small cabal of people who control the world’s resources, whilst billions are left destitute and in poverty. Over half the world’s population live on less than two dollars a day. More money is spent on funding wars for profit, than on feeding the poor. Well enough is enough. Evil is allowed to flourish when good people do nothing. Yesterday, we delivered the paperwork in person, Eternal Essence Embodied, in hopes of returning Peace, Love Unity and Respect to our homeland. We reach out to the world and ask every being to consider our reality as it stands. In order to create a fair, just, peaceful, sustainable world for our children to inherit, we need to be held accountable for our acquiescence in our current reality. And thus, it stands on our shoulders to step up, and create the world we so desperately deserve. I would like to thank Independence Commission Africa for their part in this struggle for our freedom. Papers have now formally and officially been filed detailing the genocide of farmers in South Africa. We ask the world to take notice, and hear the cries of those suffering. It is time to come together on our common ground and help one another, because the true beauty of humanity is ultimately, we all want the same thing, no matter what color, what race, what religion you are, we all want the basic right to existence, free of threat and Free of fear. Ultimately, We all want to be free. It is time to unite on our common ground. Peace Love Unity Respect Mel Ve.
Posted on: Fri, 17 Jan 2014 04:42:17 +0000

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