PARADISE GAINED, PARADISE LOST: When Nigeria gained her - TopicsExpress


PARADISE GAINED, PARADISE LOST: When Nigeria gained her independece in 1960 from a bandit nation that was Great Britain, d socio-economic conditions prevailing in d country were akin to paradise. But, alas, those agreeabale existence later dissipated & fizzled out, leaving d country & her citizens desolate & disillusioned, indicating that a paradise had been lost. But Nigerians should not be unduly worried by this sad turn of events as we can still build even more enjoyable paradise through inspirational leadership that I am capable of giving despite seemingly unsurmountable odds. Our country is not making real progress today bcos ill-educated & poorly-trained govt officials & workforce are not able 2 cope with d rigours that industrialization & modernisation drive require: technical incompetence. Our national potential lay in our material advantage & our national spirit, ie, we have abundant resources & have a strong desire 2 make progress. We must harness our explosive growth to lift ourselves from economic stagnation by an effort of national will. Enormous efforts have 2 be made 2 modernise our country. The creation of great industrial empire & corporations must be of paramount importance. Social & economic changes in d countrysides & small towns must be glaringly visible. Wholesale re-direction of d country through a program of National Rebirth & moral regenaration is what my leadership will offer Nigerians. I have developed ambitious plans for a total industrial economy. A great burst of industrial growth can transform our country into one of d worlds foremost & richest economy. It is d duty of every nation to set its own house in order. And I welcome that responsibility here in Nigeria to unleash d healing power of economic expansion. Economic individualism will allow Nigerians 2 benefit from d expanding world economy. I have deviced a Nigerian System that will establish a New Order of Economic Expansion that will turn Nigeria into a self-sufficient State in terms of economic needs & industrial production.
Posted on: Thu, 21 Nov 2013 10:03:37 +0000

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