PARENT/GRANDPARENT ALIENATION - A WORLD-WIDE EPIDEMIC! Yet, most people dont understand why? In most cases, it is certainly NOT due to a mere family tiff. It is much more sinister, and our stories are so similar, almost like a script has been written with only the names changed. I believe that we need to talk about the BEHAVIOUR of the ALIENATORS - behaviour that is very similar to that of cult leaders and domestic abusers! These individuals, who usually have a Personality Disorder (Narcissistic, Sociopathic, Borderline - or traits of several Personality Disorders) need TOTAL CONTROL of others, especially of their minds! As well as manipulation and lies, in all cases the controller will ISOLATE their victim from close family members & friends in order to dominate & indoctrinate. Then the abuser will wear their victim down with constant lectures or sermons often lasting hours at a time, until the victim acquiesces to the new beliefs. Following the mind control indoctrination, the abuser keeps their victim controlled by relentless, persistent, unceasing messaging by way of texts etc. The abuser completely takes over every minute of their victims life and mind ...
Posted on: Thu, 20 Nov 2014 06:38:38 +0000

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