PARENTAL ALIENATION IS EVERY CITIZEN CONCERN! EG GE Athens, GA Jan 12, 2015 — Globally, Family laws are based on the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC). The Convention is an international treaty among Nations that supersedes domestic laws. The Constitution, or any Act of the same nature in your Nation, is a superior law above international treaties such as the CRC. From the 12th to the 30th of January 2015, the 18 members of the Committee on the Rights of the Child are in Geneva reviewing Nations compliance with the CRC. Besides, a percentage of Nations budget, the Committee yearly request is to implant the CRC into the Constitution. Some Nations have already done it! The Legislative, Executive and Judicial branches of Nations are instantly impacted by the decisions of the Committee on the Rights of the Child. The mandates of the Committee are introduced through the Offices of the Ministers of External Affairs, far from politicians and citizens scrutiny. Politicians are not challenging the authority of foreign-parallel, independent individuals altering nations legislative, executive and judicial systems. There are not legal procedures to make the Committee members responsible and accountable to any government. Most politicians are going along with the racket. The Convention on the Rights of the Child fosters child trade and racketeering. Parent, your are obliged to halt parental alienation, child snatching, forced Foster and adoption, medical kidnapping, unequal parenting adjudication and unjust child support. Those blatant activities against humanity perpetrated by individuals, non-government organizations and governments can be outlawed by the joint effort of world-wide citizens. Demand President, Prime Minister and Minister of External Affairs to invoke Article 52 of the Convention on the Rights of the Child to withdraw from the draconian Convention. Write, call, fax, mobilize to hold Head of States and External Affairs Ministers accountable. Every day share, share, share the petition. They want your vote, you want your child!
Posted on: Mon, 12 Jan 2015 19:25:42 +0000

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