PARENTING – A JOURNEY Parenting is bliss as it makes - TopicsExpress


PARENTING – A JOURNEY Parenting is bliss as it makes parents relive their childhood with their child. There cannot be a more wonderful and rewarding experience than that. Nevertheless, it is not an easy thing as parents have to be extremely responsible to see that their child turns in to be a good human being. But there are few questions that keep bothering us. Is parenting such a big thing really? Is it wrong to be involved in your child’s life? When do you start to step back? When should you allow them to test the water, and let them spread their wings? What needs to be done to be an effective parent? Children are born sponges-they love to learn, emulate and often welcome being taught to do certain things. However, there is a difference in teaching them how to do it, and doing it for them. There is no denying that in this competitive day and age, children need every edge that they can get. It is also true, that in this age of nuclear parenting, with most parents opting for one, or maximum two children, there is a great risk of over-parenting. “It is very difficult for us to stand back and watch our five-year-old daughter struggling to get her clothes in the right way, or sitting patiently watching her take her time to finish her food. Sometimes, you need the patience of a saint! The reason we do it, is that we realize it is important for her to understand that she is old enough to complete certain tasks, which are age-appropriate, and there by boost her self confidence. It is also important to make our children independent. Children have to be allowed to experience emotions in order to be able to learn them- they have to be taught the nuances between sadness, disappointment, happiness and fear. For instance, how studies have become a greater priority for parents, than for the children. The result of parents being so deeply enmeshed in their child’s educational progress often ends up with parents bringing their children to psychologists, complaining that their kids are burnt out, or under too much stress! Exams are no source of stress. It is parents who make them so, and do not teach their children how to cope with a routine part of growing up. Think. Do you really want your child to become so dependent on you that they will look to you to solve everything in life? Finally, it is good if your child knows he/she always has a safety net. As long as he knows that there is one place in the world where he can be guaranteed unconditional love and support. As parents we need to choose correct parenting style to make our journey of parenting easier.
Posted on: Wed, 12 Mar 2014 06:34:13 +0000

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