PARENTS ARE NOT SO STRICT IN THEIR PTA TRAINING SO THEIR CHILDREN BECOME WORLDLY IN SCHOOL: Q: Youth?... Childrens,.. arent they ,..r excepted?... Theyre too young... A: what u mean excepted? Q: That they r free... A even young children in school has influenced by friends in school Q I mean like playing... A yes they are too free to the point they are influenced that is why i advocate homeschooling Q And yaa I know.. And thats a part of childhood... I dont want home study.. How could a 1 child be sociable w/ others?... They might be afraid to go in some socializing.. Coz they r not exposed.... A Actually a child should be afraid of worldly people and become friends iwth christians like your friend mormon, i think she is like preserved in christian mormon friends if a child become friends first with worldly people, they will become hardened in heart and bored with christian friends Q Oh.. Then u cannot convert more Christians... A so it is not having no friends but choosing the right friends to become closer to christ Q Hmmm ... Thats depends on how their parents discipline their childs.... A actually a child can convert more chirstians if the parents are disciplined enough to train their children, but if not it is the other way around so part of training is initial foundations of the child, should not be worldly basis but word based christian after homeschooling, they will be given interaction with other social christians who want to talk about the word , that is the right foundaiton Q My friend was exposed in our modern hightech world... Even though worldly we should not be afraid of A there is another aspect if it is a berean training. but other denominations have sometimes succeeded in preserving their young people to be freinds with christians who are not too worldly Q We can help them instead A i know the mormon church, they have lots of activities. it is not only mormon church, even other churches, some have nominal successes in preserving the young people. (btw, that preservation is diff from berean training which is the best) we can help unbelievers if there are discipline in the parents to train offensively so other churches have some nominal successes. but the ulitmate successful is train them become berean because those nominal churches extent of success is only preservation, not necessariliy train how to socialize sharing outside their church the best is not just preserved but trained to have sharing with different churches different from their beliefs Q Then what must be the age of a child to start berean training... A anyway, child training starts as a baby formal talk to a baby Q WHAT.?.. u sure? A if the baby is pampered the baby becomes irritable, at a very young age will have tantrums Q Yaa I know that formal talk... A look to parents as her subjects act like prince/princesses no respect or fear of parents Q But its a baby... A if parents will not allow pampering, and use formal talk the baby will become more inteliigent respectful obedient, will only cry when hungry or bitten by an ant not cry unnecessarily not very demanding , not go to tantrums at the age of 2 she will learn to talk she will learn to talk if many had talked to her formally not with pamperings at age 2 to 3 she can be taught to start reading writing so at about 3-4 she will understand many things and will enjoy learning if the parents are focused, and not laktaw ( skipping focus ) Q No breaks?. I mean there must be sometimes A yes of course there are breaks, not too big todays parents almost no responsibility ,they leave it to school if the chld enjoys learning, his her exercise would be some light chores picking up things cleaning up things eventually sweeping some things it is play for them, sometimes educational toys can be helpful like ABC block shape blocks formal talks continue if the child learns to read, the child can also pabasa report before he learns to read he should also have training to listen (scribe report by term) listen to preachings to conversations, whispered with questions so help in further development Q Hmmm.. How could parents be focus with that trainings ?... If they r too busy working for the future of their childrens....? A so at 4 or 5 the child can be taught elementary topics alrady his exercise will be light chores that gradually become more as he grows older actually parents dont leave a baby alone. either they have a nanny or they focus on baby themselves that same focus if used correctly will give them comfortable relaxation as the baby grows become a child Q Hmmm... Is there a training center to leave their children?... A if there is a nanny, the nanny should be instructed in that same kind of trianing nanny is simliar to training center, aside from nanny brethrens could be called upon to help in the training process if you hire ordinary nanny, ordinary nanny or brethren could even spoil the baby Q Mostly parents dont trust anyone... How could u encourage those parents?... A either parents or nanny it coud be done i tell those parents what the Lord revealed to me, what they should do and what will happen without the right training Q The Lord talks to u?... The Lord talks to u?... How come?.. A this revelation is spread out to many denominations already, splintered principles the Lord uses previous churches as a stepping stone to this final revelation the Lord speaks to many persons, not just me, the problem sometimes people are not sensitive, but if iwhat i say they will observe they can easily know it is true because it is a very simple truth there are biblical backups too, there are individual honest persons who can easily see what i am saying is true, and sadly there are nicolaitan influenced persons who do not want to understand what i am saying Q Hmmm... Do u think u could encourage a lot of parents to do that act..? Were in a modern life u know... A there are parents also not yet nicolaitan influenced that have own decision to not implement because they thought unmarried person should not know better there was a time i encouraged more parents than i do now in may ministry but today it is fewer because of others influences actually this revelation is needed in modern life Q Yaa ,.. Coz they have their own beliefs... A own beliefs is one thing, but external detractors is another i knew several parents who would be open to this but discouraged by others so they just prefer not to learn about it Q Hmmm... Really depends in person... Hmmm... Really depends in person... Y dont u use a modern approach?... Y dont u use a modern approach?... A out of the many, few are left that are open to hear me, but the few also have become weak due to last devastation of intrigues actually i have weakened because i had an operation Q Did u raised under that Berean training?... What about ur bros?.... What are they doing ?.. r they helping u to share gospel?... Y is that the members becoming weak?.. A those workers i rely on are not yet that mature. so it is really in the hands of God. most that agreeed with me did so after they discover what i said was true. so even before i was weakened by operation , they have delayed until something happened already before they agreed but the damage is there already i was not raised by parents in berean triaining i learned being berean in my previous pastor. and also circumstances God allowed me to endure, with other people and my onw pastor, that is how God gave me a berean training, through many heartaches and pain and humiliatiions and derisions. i was not able to put that understanding together until he lead me to the ministry in cogeo Q And u wanted to happen it also to your breathrens?... A well my brethrens i share to them the right attitude so they dont have to endure that hardship i endured what God showed me in 10 years, i can just show them in a matter of minutes the differences in endtime and the right attitude of learning from others Other enditme churches continued what they did to me in my previous church experiences, and since i taught my brethrens to respect them, they also infected my brethrens to close their minds against me and make up many new negative stories about me
Posted on: Sat, 20 Dec 2014 14:27:01 +0000

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