PARENTS CANNOT SUE VACCINE MANUFACTURERS FOR INJURIES! Hung out to dry How many American parents know that if their child is harmed by the side effects of the medicine known as vaccination, they are not able to take the injury up with the person who encouraged (cajoled?) them to administer the product or the company who manufactured the product? Precious few Im afraid. And thats just what pharmacist and many public health professionals want - ignorant (not stupid) parents. And when parents become informed? Then they get the anti-vaccine label slapped on them for having the audacity to pay attention to what has happened to their kids. Our Anne Dachel said, I am rarely happy about anything the mainstream media says about autism—especially if it has to do with the cause (and of course their one-sided, abysmal coverage of vaccine and autism.) However, every once in a while a little light shines through. There are two, count ‘em, two-- TWO CURRENT PIECES THAT LEGITIMATELY COVER THE VACCINE CONTROVERSY. The first was from the San Francisco Chronicle blog. It was a piece called, “Parents cant sue vaccine manufacturers,” and it’s by a real reporter for the Chronicle, Bob Egelko. It covers the fact that THERE ARE VACCINE INJURIES and it describes what parents are up against if their child is harmed by a vaccine. The second story was from the Ventura County Star in Camarillo, CA. The title was “Rise in Autism Cases.” (The word “rise” with autism always hits me as the world’s best euphemism. I can only think of words like “tsunami” or “explosion.”) This was a letter to the paper by someone named David Eckerson, It was brilliant, despite the title. The opening was something like what I’ve asked countless times, “When it comes to autism in our kids, where is the outrage? Why arent people demanding real answers?” Eckerson went on to talk about the epidemic of autism—an epidemic without a known cause or any national attention. He cited both bad food and the shots kids get. And I agree. We know the vaccines are damaging kids but be aware that many of the very same toxins are in the foods we’re giving our kids. He ended by bringing up the issue of exemptions and the passing of laws to remove our parental rights. Thank you to both papers for publishing information that is bound to cause a heated reaction from the medical community and health officials. And please, tomorrow let the other side give their arguments. Let them tell us “studies show no link.” Parents are quite intelligent. Let them hear all the claims. They will decide who’s right. And as far as I’m concerned, the greatest thing about these stories is the comment section. Check out what I put on there…links to CBS and FOX News stories, information about Hannah Poling, the PACE Law School study, and the fantastic epic, the Greater Good. Maybe this is the start of the mainstream press actually giving us something resembling EQUAL TIME and FAIR AND BALANCED COVERAGE. We can only hope. By Bob Egelko, San Francisco Chronicle staff writer begelko@sfchronicle Parents whose children are harmed or killed by allegedly defective vaccines cant sue the manufacturers for damages in state court and must instead accept no-fault compensation from a national tribunal for vaccination injuries, a federal appeals court ruled Tuesday. The Ninth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals upheld dismissal of a suit by a Las Vegas couple whose baby son suffered seizures and died after an immunization shot, saying such suits were precluded by a 1986 federal law. The law established a vaccine court where those who claimed injuries from vaccination must file their claims. If a hearing officer determined that the harm was consistent with the vaccines known side effects, the victim would be awarded compensation without having to prove that the manufacturer caused the harm or acted negligently. (Courtesy of Hank Shocklee). Read more: sfgate/health/article/Parents-can-t-sue-vaccine-manufacturers-3894230.php#ixzz27cgbPZgj
Posted on: Mon, 04 Nov 2013 22:32:36 +0000

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