PARLIAMENT SET TO DISCUSS KENYA AND HER WITHDRAWAL FROM ROME STATUTE. *************************** parliament is later this week expected to hold a special sitting to deliberate a motion calling for Kenya’s withdrawal from the Rome Statute that establishes the International Criminal Court. According to a gazette notice dated Monday 2 nd of September, MPs are scheduled to hold the sittings beginning 2.30pm on Thursday 5 th of September. "Pursuant to Standing Order 29 (3) of the Standing Orders of the National Assembly, it is notified for the information of Members of the National Assembly that a special sitting of the Assembly shall be held in the National Assembly Chamber in the Main Parliament Buildings, Nairobi, on Thursday, 5th September, 2013 at 2.20pm for purposes of consideration of a Motion relating to the membership of the Republic of Kenya to the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court," reads the notice signed by Deputy Speaker Joyce Laboso. The latest move by Jubilee Mps comes just five days before the trials facing Deputy President William Ruto and co-accused Joshua arap Sang commence at The Hague based court. The notice signed by Deputy Speaker Joyce Laboso also comes just hours after the ICC on Monday dismissed as ‘inconsequential’ the calls for Kenya’s withdrawal from the Rome Statute by Jubilee MPs. ICC Fadi el Abdallah underscored that the cases against President Kenyatta, Mr. Ruto and Mr. Sang would proceed to full trial even if Kenya withdrew from the rome statute
Posted on: Tue, 03 Sep 2013 11:13:59 +0000

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