PART 1: MYSTERY DISCOVERY BY HENRY STEVEN KHOO on THE ANCIENT CHINESE YIN-YANG TERMINOLOGY & CONFUCIAN PHILOSOPHY ** Solution to the Modern Day Global Crisis, Environment Imbalances and the Salvation Hope for Mankind in the New Heaven and New Earth! #A knowledge of Ancient Chinese Yin-Yang will help you to understand the Meaning Of Life, Life Suffering, Motivation, appreciation of yourself, creation and the CREATOR. A knowledge of Ancient Chinese Yin-Yang will help you to understand the SPIRITUAL DIMENSION apart from MATERIAL PERSPECTIVE when you read your Holy Bible, Holy Quran and all SACRED BOOK. #Yes = through my Deep Search and Discoveries= I now know the meaning of our mystery Human Life, the question of life and why I am in this EARTH, Why there are so much conflicts, violence etc/ Yes= you can control your life destiny = the choice for you to be GOOD or for you to be BAD when you have a grasp of Yin-Yang terminology #You will know your Enemies, your friends and you know SATAN as well as evil and WICKED people. Church Pastors and Priests will throw Everything they consider as EVIL to SATAN without knowing WHO SATAN. Satan is an angel created by ALLAH. So Allah know Satans Genetic Blueprint = Satans strength and weakness for evil! #Allah is in control of all CREATIONS including mankind and all angels. Satan is not the CREATOR. Satan does not create the Moon, Sun, Stars etc.. Satans evil role is tempt mankind to follow Satan, to obey Satan LIES and DECEPTION. SATAN role is a ROBBLER trying to distract attention of Human Kind from the Creator and to unite with ALLAH! #Satans ANOTHER evil role is get mankind confused, distorted so that people will start to worship the CREATION part= so you have people praying to the SUN and to Moon etc... And then people will ADD extra to this creation worship by introducing Superstitions” or Man made laws principle= You cannot do and do that. Or you want to be rich then you must do this or do that. There is nothing WRONG with Buddha as he was a human being like myself searching for an answer to mystery of life etc. So Buddha found the mystery life puzzle through the CREATION part and to get know the CREATOR. When Buddha need the most is to know the CREATOR as Buddha was well versed in the Universe, our Human Body functions. Perhaps he should read the TORAH if accessible during his birth time. Then when Buddha died, his follower should not worship or pray to Buddha because Buddha was a human being like myself = a creation by the CREATOR. Its about time that the global churches and mosques as well as temples must know the CREATION well and start to restore as well as to unite with MANKIND. Allah wants UNITY and Fellowship. Satan wants Conflict and Confusion = Disorderly. On the other hand, it is about the time that the Chinese, Hindu, Buddhist and Taoist know about the CREATOR Then it will have a BALANCE of YIN- YANG with the REAL PEACE, HARMONY and LOVE! = I CALLED IT ETERNAL BLISS! Let me share with you how our Ancient Chinese Yin- Yang Calendar System in determining its 4 SEASONS based on the concepts from the CREATOR. Li Fa is the word for Calendar System. Fa means System, Li means Calendar. Yang Calendar is known as “ Yang Li. Gregorian Calendar is known as Yang Calendar. We can classify Gregorian Calendar as Western Calendar as it was first innovated by the Roman Catholic. Gregorian Calendar is called Gong Li or Xi Li as Western Calendar. It is called Yang Li because Gregorian Calendar is based on the SUN. Yin Calendar is known as Yin Li Lunar Calendar is classify as Yin Calendar. In Chinese, we call Lunar Calendar as Nong Li Chinese Solar Calendar as Jie qi li The Chinese has the solar calendar system which is different from the Gregorian Calendar System even though it is based on the Solar (Sun) energy The Chinese Solar Calendar and 24 Solar System: The Chinese term for Chinese Solar Calendar and 24 solar systems is collectively known as “Er Shi Si Jie Qi”. The Ancient Chinese organized the YEAR, MONTH, DAY AND TIME which can be charted with: * Heavenly Stem called Tian Gan * Earthly Branches called Di Zhi #So the Ancient Chinese worshiped the One Creator called SHANGTI. The Ancient Chinese already believe there is Heaven, Earth and Hell system. #Originally, the Ancient Chinese did not worshiped the Sun and the Moon= It came after the arrival of some Hindu to China for the spread of Hindu Religion System and some ancient Chinese to India for their knowledge especially during the Tang Dynasty/Ming Dynasty #In ancient times, the 12 chief intervals of climatic variations or what we have come to known as SOLAR TERMS, were differentiated in the midst of observing the Earths revolution under the SUN Using the middle of each solar month as the emphasis, 12 other parts are worked out to determine the TRANSITIONS OF THE SEASONS. In short, there are 2 terms in each month to relate the commencement of a solar month and the transition of a season. As such, there are altogether 24 solar terms in a YEAR. #The Chinese will use the animals as metaphor or visual representation to symbolize and analyze the season, months, days etc. The Chinese use the animals even as mathematics, psychology etc. They are not worshiping this animals as I had explained before. #The Ancient Chinese are the great founder for “ CREATIVE MANAGEMENT and CRITICAL THINKING and using METAPHOR, Accelerated Learning through using Animals as an Association =easy to remember #Thats explained why Chinese are good doctors, chemists, engineering, business people, accountants etc. because they use a lot of the CREATIVE BRAIN. #When I was studying my accountancy, I use my SECRET WEAPON= COLOUR and animals to represent the accounting formula= Its marvelous= It help to sharpen my logic and I can remember the formula very well. Reason being: I had my weakness = MATHEMATICS. At that time, I do not know Yin and Yang at ALL because as a Christian I was forbidden by the Church to know the YIN and Yang! When my accounts cannot BALANCE = I know which animals were giving me the PROBLEMS! I know which colour was wrong for causing the MISTAKE! #I had scored HIGH DISTINCTIONS for most of my Accountancy Papers, Auditing, Statistics as well as Law cases! Chinese Solar System based on SEASON Beginning of Spring represented by Yin, that is TIGER = represent WOOD Beginning of Summer represented by Si that is SNAKE./SERPENT = represent FIRE Beginning of Autumn represented by Shen, Monkey that is METAL Beginning of Winter represented by Hai, PIG that is WATER 1st Lunar Month = Yin Tiger Wood Western Calendar : 4th or 5th of Feb 2nd Lunar Month = Mao Rabbit Wood Western Calendar : 6th or 7 of March 3rd Lunar Month = Chen Dragon Earth Western Calendar : 5th or 6th of April 4th Lunar Month+ Si, Snake Fire Western Calendar : 6th or 7 of May 5th Lunar Month = Wu Horse Fire Western Calendar : 6th or 7 of June 6th Lunar Month = Wei, Goat Earth Western Calendar : 7th or 8th July 7th Lunar Month = Shen, Monkey Metal Western Calendar : 8th or 9th August 8th Lunar Month = You Metal Western Calendar : 8th or 9th Sept 9th Lunar Month = Xu Dog Earth Western Calendar : 9th or 10th Oct 10th Lunar Month= Hai Pig Water Western Calendar : 8th or 9th Nov 11th Lunar Month = Zi Rat Water Western Calendar : 7th or 8th Dec 12th Lunar Month = Chou, Earth Western Calendar : 6th or 7th Jan
Posted on: Fri, 07 Mar 2014 06:01:32 +0000

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