PART 1; MYSTERY WRITTEN SHARING by Henry Steven Khoo on Modern - TopicsExpress


PART 1; MYSTERY WRITTEN SHARING by Henry Steven Khoo on Modern Islamic Unification for All Mankind- CHINESE NEW YEAR Theme: The Mystery Origin of CHINESE NEW YEAR SPRING FESTIVAL UNVEIL BY HENRY STEVEN KHOO, A SINGAPOREAN CHINESE Introduction: #Till today, there are billion of Chinese, Koreans, Japanese etc did not know where the Lunar New Year, Spring Festival originated from. I have the joy of advantage of knowing my Chinese roots where surname originated from the birthplace of Confucius and my great grandmother, Princess Li Po from Malacca and my great grandfather from the Malacca Royal family. #Being raised up in the Strict Confucian moral and Taoist belief as a young boy and latter called to become a Christian being healed by Jesus of Nazareth of a physical sickness. #Then called by Allah to embrace the Muslim faith through my rebellion and my strong human resistance- and when finally surrender- this lead me to form the Islamic unity of all mankind. #With all this richness, resources and cultural understanding given by the CREATOR, let me share with the WORLD the origin and the true message of LUNAR NEW YEAR- SPRING FESTIVAL. #Unfortunately, it is very disappointing that Churches, Mosques all over the world are now sharing and preaching on this origin of SPRING FESTIVAL. #The Creator has laid upon my burden heart to share this mystery message to all MANKIND in the WORLD to celebrate the LUNAR NEW YEAR as a PASSOVER SPRING FESTIVAL. The Legend of Chinese New Year: You will read this legend in many stories book and even in website. Once there lived a MYTHICAL BEAST. His name is NIAN. He would emerge on the EVE of the NEW YEAR and eat everything in its WAY such as the livestock, the crops and even the villagers and their children. Over the time, the villagers realizsd that NIAN was afraid of three things: * the colour red, * the fire * the noise. #From there on, people learned to hang RED LATERNS, paper cut-outs and scrolls outside their windows and doors. #They will make LOUD NOISES using drums and firecrackers to frighten away the NIAN. #These practices are still made in ANTICIPATION of the LUNAR NEW YEAR today. #For the Chinese New Year, we will don the BRIGHTEST REDDEST OUTFIT. #This REDDISH COLOR symbolizes luck, wealth, fortune, love. We are supposed to set aside any GRUDGES, purify our selves and make our house/room clean The true message for the ROOT OF NIAN (LUNAR NEW YEAR- SPRING CELEBRATION Note (1) : The words NIAN means Year in Chinese. Note (2): Do you know that the Chinese has a SAINT during this SPRING FESTIVAL CELEBRATION just like SANTA CLAUS FOR CHRISTMAS. OUR SAINT FOR THE GOD OF PROSPERITY & WEALTH is OUR GREAT GRANDFATHER, CANAAN - the founder of Canaan Race. The meaning of Canaan is clearly defined in the Bible- Book of Genesis land of honey & milk- prosperity, wealth, success., #Probably, to others may be your first time hearing this message while others the message is not NEW but just for your own search search into the Ancient Chinese culture which are originated from the Jews. #Where did the Chinese, Koreans, Japanese, Vietnamese, Tibetan, Bhutanese come from? Let us read Holy Torah Genesis 9: 6 to 20 …..........Canaans sons were Sidon and Heth. He was also the ancestor of the Jebusites, the Amorites, the Girgashites, the Hivites, the Arkites, the Sinites,, the Arvadites, the Zemarities and the Hamathites. Constructive Comments by Henry Steven Khoo: #The Chinese Han race which include the Hun of Hungary & some Eastern European directly belong to the descendants of the SINITIES- the 8th son of Canaan. # The Chinese Hakka directly belong to the ANCESTOR of HETH, 2nd Son of Canaan. # The Korean Manchurian, Mongols and the Japanese belong to the following Canaan tribes: * Sidon (eldest son) and Heth (second son) and the mixed blood between SIDON AND HETH * Edom, the elder brother of Jacob – Modern Day Israel. Today Edom refer to TURKEY. # The original Malay from Yunan, People Republic of China which include Vietnamese, Burmese, Thai, Philippines, Indonesian came from the MIXED BLOOD between SINITES and HETH/SIDON #OF course latter the Some Malays in South East Asia intermarried with ARAB (SHEM) and the Southern Indians (CUSH) # The original Tibetan, Nepalese and Bhutanese intermarried with the CUSH (INDIAN) JAPHETH (INDIAN) Where did the Chinese, Koreans, Japanese, Vietnamese DNA came from? Let us read Holy Torah Genesis 9: 20 Later the Canaanites spread from the territory of Sidon and went as far as GAZA in the direction of great. They also went as far as LASHA in the DIRECTION of SODOM, GOMORRAH, ADMAH and ZEBOIIM. What happened to CANNAITES? # The Cannaites is an INCEST RACE created between HAM, son of Noah and NOAH (MISTRESS)- MOTHER = A GRAVE SIN IN THE PRESENCE OF CREATOR. Let us read Holy Torah Genesis 8: 18-27 …...... I now put a CURSE on Canaan! He will be the lowest slave of his brothers. I ask the LORD my God to bless SHEM and make CANAAN his SLAVE. I pray that the LORD will give Japheth more and more land....... May CANAAN be his SLAVE. Did the prayer and curse of NOAH being fulfilled? Answer is Yes through Abraham, a SHEM DESCENDANT. Let us read Holy Torah Genesis 12: 1 to 20, Genesis 13 to Genesis 16 …......Leave your country, your family and your relatives and go to the land that I will show you. I will bless you and make your descendants into a GREAT NATION. What happened with the arrival of Abraham in the land of Canaan? Some of the Canan natives probably adopted the teaching, customs, astrology and practice of Abraham (SHEM) with intermarried took place with the converted canan and the jew Majority of the Canan natives will be driven out, killed. Those who fled, migrated especially the Chinese settled in their origin place Senite in today XINING, China. #So the Chinese brought along the Jewish religion practice, Jewish festivals. #Jewish Words such as CHIA for LIFE, PROSPERITY, LUCK, El Shaddai for Shangdai (Chinese dialect) and ShangTi (Mandarain),Shen came from the 10 Shenfirot etc. #The Chinese 9 Hexagrams through the LO SHU, Chinese FENG SHUI, THE 10 Chinese BAZI with the 10 Heavenly Stems such as Geng (Metal), Ren(Water) all came from the Abraham. #The Chinese Lo Shu with the 9 Numbers and divine direction, actually contains the SACRED NAME OF THE CREATOR. Those who are interested can find out the mystery. Where did the Chinese Sacred Mountain worship and fasting came from? Let us read the Holy Torah Exodus 4: 27 to 29 The LORD sent Aaron to meet Moses in the desert. So Aaron met Moses at MOUNT SINAI and greeted him with a KISS. …........ everyone believed. They bowed down and worshiped the LORD because they knew that HE had seen their suffering ad was going to HELP THEM. Fasting in the mountain Read Exodus 34: 28 Moses stayed on the mountain with the LORD for 40 days and nights, without EATING and DRINKING. And Moses wrote down the TEN COMMANDMENTS, the most important part of Gods agreement with his people. Exodus 19 1 to 25, Read Exodus 34: 1 to 18 Mount Sinai was covered with SMOKE because the LORD had come down in a “FLAMING FIRE”. Read Exodus 32: 1 to 30 (Aaron Sin and people sin in Mount Sinai). As a result, the people of Israel was driven out from Mount Sinai = the second ban after the Garden of Eden for MANKIND. Where did the IDEA for our Ancient Chinese and Ancient Japanese/Korean used “GOLDEN HAND INK WRITING? #The Golden INK will be used by Chinese Emperor for laws and orders including auspicious occasions such as wedding etc and the ANCESTOR tablets were also used. Let us read the Holy Torah Exodus 24 : 12 to 18 … I will give you the 2 flat stones on which I have written the laws that my PEOPLE must obey ( The 10 commandments are also in the CONFUCIANs MORAL LAW) Then you read Exodus 34: 29 to 35 where the 10 Commandments with MOSES and MOSES FACE SHINED.
Posted on: Sun, 26 Jan 2014 09:17:07 +0000

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