PART 1 of 2: BEST PRACTICES TO ENSURE LONG TERM WEIGHT MANAGEMENT STRATEGY #1: Adopt the Winning Attitude Enjoying and embracing weight maintenance is a product of your thoughts! The loser mentality is negative, resentful, denies responsibility, lacks control, ungrateful, and constantly focused on “how hard it is” to exercise, eat right, avoid relapse, dine out, etc. The pillars of the winning attitude are optimism, positivity, self-control, accountability, and gratitude. STRATEGY #2: Never Be Hungry with Low-Carb To be successful at maintenance, you cannot be hungry, restricting, and deprived day after day, night after night. You’ll never have to be deprived, suffer through prolonged stretches of hunger, restrict food intake, or count calories or grams of any kind if you select and enjoy your carbs from nature’s abundant bounty of vegetables, fruits, nuts, and salad staples instead of from flour, sugar, and grain based products. STRATEGY #3: Have a Plan B Plan B is what separates the sensational from the slugs! When confronted with change or obstacles, do not wring your hands and forfeit your plans “until things get better.” Changes and obstacles are a test of your commitment, decision making skills, character, values, priorities, and tenacity. Always have a Plan B, Plan C, Plan D, and so on. STRATEGY #4: Schedule and Strategize Structure is your best ally! Do not wake up on Monday in a fog and realize you don’t have any idea when you are going “squeeze in” your exercise and food shopping. Successful maintainers are not “squeezing in” anything. You schedule and plan for everything that is of importance or required of you; treat your health as one of those highest priorities. STRATEGY #5: Weigh In Regularly… TO BE CONTINUED… Part 2 will be posted on Thursday, June 13. ———————————————————- For more strategies, tips, solutions, motivation, and inspiration to reach your thighest of aspirations, visit my web site at thinthighschool.
Posted on: Sun, 09 Jun 2013 19:52:27 +0000

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