PART 2/12 - WHO AM I REALLY? - 3 MAJOR DEFENSES Sometimes I think - TopicsExpress


PART 2/12 - WHO AM I REALLY? - 3 MAJOR DEFENSES Sometimes I think that the problem of getting to know ourselves comes from the difficulty we have with digging into the layers of ourselves. As we try to dig through we are often stopped abruptly by what seems like solid granite. The common interpretation of this impasse is that we have all developed defenses which are intended to spare us fro honest confrontation with ourselves and others. These defenses form shields around us. OK you might conceive, but over the years you never get to know your own inner and true self. They become barriers which block you from honest self-discovery. The first of these major defenses is REPRESSION. We are all very capable of hiding the truth from ourselves. We repress the truth by pushing it down into our unconscious minds. Whatever we do not want to recognise in ourselves we can simply block from consciousness by repression - 90 percent of what we do, say and think is based on unconscious materials, and why we do it, we do not know the real reason. So in order to confront this repression we have to think it is like wood held under water. It is always trying to surface for recognition. Stress itself can force us to look at these things which at some previous time we preferred to hide. As you are reading these words, they are in your conscious mind. We also have a subconscious mind where we keep all our dates like anniversaries and birthdays etc for later recall. We also have an unconscious mind. There we hide things we dont want to face or to live with. I call this the basement of the mind, because we are not all aware of either the process of hiding or the material hidden in these basements. More tomorrow. Have a great Sunday and God bless you and all you are trying to do.
Posted on: Sun, 16 Mar 2014 06:18:22 +0000

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