PART 2; MYSTERY WRITTEN SHARING by Henry Steven Khoo on Modern - TopicsExpress


PART 2; MYSTERY WRITTEN SHARING by Henry Steven Khoo on Modern Islamic Unification for All Mankind- CHINESE NEW YEAR Where did the origin Lunar New Year- Spring Festival came from? #Through my deep research, mediation upon the torah law and mystical discovery, it came from 2 major Jewish Festival. #Today, the Chinese observed the moon calendar system practiced by the Jewish unlike the modern christian celebrated the Solar New Year on Jan 1. #Unfortunately, the modern Chinese and modern Asian including the Japanese have no longer pracitzed the MOON/LUNAR SYSTEM as well as Modern Christianity who deemed it as SUPERTITIOUS and EVIL. #The muslim still observed the moon system. I am doing a mystery research on the Jewish Moon Calendar system and to consolidate it with the ANCIENT CHINESE MOON SYSTEM and with the Muslim Moon System. Hopefully can release to the WORLD before I died or to be taken by the CREATOR. #Jewish Religious festival – New Moon Festival The day was always the FIRST DAY of the MONTH for the Hebrew Calendar. The New Moon Festival was a time for REST from Work, and a time to worship, sacrifices, celebration and eating. #PASSOVER FESTIVAL A festival held on the 14th day of ABIB in the EARLY SPRING. At Passover, the Israel people celebrated the time GOD rescued them from the SLAVERY of EGYPT. The name of this festival in Hebrew is _PESACH” Let us read the Holy Torah Exodus 3: 7 to 10, Exodus 12: 43 to 50, Exodus 13: 1 to 16 …..... remember this day in the month of Abib. It is the day when the LORDs mighty power rescued you from EGYPT where you were SLAVES. Do not eat anything made with YEAST. The LORD promised your ancestors that he would bring you into the lands of the Canaanites....... Its a land rich with MILK and HONEY... if you carefully observed... Have you wondered the meaning of CANAN- Land rich with MILK and Honey- Luck, wealth and prosperity for the HEBREW WORDS “CHAI” and CHAI in CHINESE also mean the same meaning.l #Canan in my Chinese Dialect means “ OLIVE” which means the same meaning blessing, richness with descendant prosperity. #Have you wonder the words CHINA came from? Your mind already know the answers. #If you read the whole book of Levitiicus, Exodus, Numbers, Deutn you will be amazed the chinese culture and practice for incense, altars, lamps etc are actually inherited from all these holy books. The saddest things is the some of chinese turned it into a religion occult which what Aaron the priest had done at Mount Sinai. Why did the Chinese, Korean, Vietnamese celebrate the Lunar New Eve Union? #An event for family to gather together, forgive one another, stay at home and being protected. The family love and unity is utmost important! #I used to travel overseas, and my family members will insist that I must return home for the Lunar New Eve Union. #No matter how hard, I will try my human effort to be present and to be united with the family. #It is also a time to evaluate your strength and weakness- making fresh plan and goal for the NEW YEAR. Not only that we will also invite foreigner guest to our house for celebrating the Lunar New Year Eve. #In Australia as a student and resident, I will organize an International Gathering inviting my Australia neighbours,classmates, church members etc to celebrate the Lunar New Year Eve., Over there, it is not a PUBLIC HOLIDAY. Hopefully one day, Australia and New Zealand will declare it as a PUBLIC HOLIDAY as Asian population increased. If they are wise, they should leverage on this booming festival. If you read the Book of Exodus carefully, the idea of Lunar New Eve Union were actually similar to the PASSOVER EVE celebration. Where did the Chinese, Korean, Vietnamese used RED COLOUR for the LUNAR NEW YEAR SPRING FESTIVAL CELEBRATION? #It came from the Holy Torah. To those who are interested,,, please read the Book of Exodus etc.. These are the torah book usually avoided by Christian and even by the Jews because they are not used to understand spiritually. ….......some of the BLOOD must be put on the TWO DOOR POSTS and above the door of each house where the animals are to be eaten...... The Blood on the House will show ME (THE CREATOR) where you LIVE. And when I see the BLOOD, I will PASS OVER YOU. Then you wont be bothered by the TERRIBLE DISASTERS I will bring on Egypt. #You just need to observe the Chinese Homes where the door post are written with GOLDEN WORDINGS on Red paper. They will hang Red Banners and 2 Red Chinese Lantern. The Ancient Chinese will do that but unfortunately only the modern Chinese no longer practice it except confined to religion for praying. Is there a promise and blessing including Warning for Keeping the PASSOVER CELEBRATION. Let us read Holy Torah Exodus 23: 20 to 31 I am sending an angel to protect you and to lead you into the land I have ready for you. Carefully OBEY everything the angel says, because I am giving the angel complete authority and the angel wont tolerate REBELLION. If you faithfully obey him, I will be a FIERCE ENEMY of your ENEMIES. My angel will lead you into the land of AMORITIES, HITTITES, PERIZZITES, CANAANITES, HIVITES and JEBUSTIES. I will wipe THEM OUT. Do not worship their gods or follow their CUSTOM. Instead, destroy their idols and shatter their STONE IMAGES. Worship only ME, the LORD YOUR GOD! I will bless you with plenty of FOOD and WATER and KEEP YOU STRONG. Your women will give birth to HEALTHY CHILDREN and everyone will live a LONG LIFE. I will terrify those nations and make your enemies so CONFUSED that they will run away from you. I will make the Hivities, Canaanites and Hittites panic as you approach. But I wont do all this in the FIRST YEAR, because the LAND WOULD become POOR and WILD ANIMALS would be everywhere. …........... I will see that your borders reach from the RED SEA to the EUPHRATES RIVER and from the Mediterranean SEA to the DESERT. …..... In concluding the message, I wish everyone of you all whether Asian or Non Asian as I am a reformed canaanites”, adopted children of Abraham as a MODERN ISLAMIC person “ A BLESSED AND BOUNTIFUL GONG XI FA CAI” - May the gallop of the Golden Wooden Lunar HORSE bring you the fruits of Creators HOLY SPIRIT with peace, joy, health, prosperity and longevity. Yes, everyone in the World can celebrate the LUNAR NEW YEAR SPRING FESTIVAL – Its a PASSOVER CELEBRATION and if you are religious you should observe the ORIGINAL JEWISH PASSOVERS CELEBRATION with the promise written in Exodus 23: 20 to 31. Amen/AMIN to Allah, my CREATOR, THE LORD GOD OF ABRAHAM, THE LORD GOD OF NOAH, THE LORD GOD OF CONFUCIUS. GLORY , GLORY GLORY- LET THE WORLD GIVE PRAISES, THANKSGIVING to YOU ALLAH- MY SHANGTI, EL SHADDAI AL CHAI.
Posted on: Sun, 26 Jan 2014 10:51:20 +0000

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