PART 2: “No Lulu. That’s not true, right? You’re not - TopicsExpress


PART 2: “No Lulu. That’s not true, right? You’re not leaving, right?” you said while crying so hard. “Lala, please don’t cry. I don’t want to see you crying like this before I leave. I want to remember a sweet smile from you before we go to the states and not that crying face.” Lulu said, but he’s about to cry too. “How can I smile? After you said you’re leaving and you don’t know when will you come back and still you want me to smile? How ridiculous.” You said and continue crying. “But at least I’ll come back though I don’t know when, but still I will come back. For you, so I can see you again. I promise.” Lulu said and now he’s crying too. “Pinky promise?” you said and led your finger. “Pinky promise.” He said and lock up his finger to yours. “I’ll wait.” You said. “Of course you should. I’ll be mad if you won’t wait for me.” Lulu said and embraces you. While you are hugging each other, Lulu talks. “Lala… I want to tell you something.” “Hmm? What is it?” you ask. “I… I…” Lulu said. “You… what?” you ask. “I know we are still young but… I love you.” Lulu said. After he said that your heartbeat stops for a moment. And Lulu notice that you didn’t talk after his confession. “lala? Hey? Are you mad? I didn’t mean to feel this way towards you but I cannot help it anymore, I didn’t know that an 8 years old kid like me will love a girl like you at this early.” He explains. “No…” you said. “What do you mean no? Don’t you like me? Too?” Lulu said with a worry tone. “No… I don’t. Because I love you too.” you said. “REALLY?!!” he said and hug you again tightly. “Wa-wait! I might lose my breath.” You said while laughing. “Oh… sorry. It’s just that. You made me so happy; I promise I’ll come back here. I’ll always send you a letter or e-mail you using my mom’s yahoo mail ok? I’ll send it to your mothers e-mail. Or we should just make our own e-mail?” he said with an excitement. “Hahaha! Slow it down Lulu. Whatever you want is ok.” You said. “Whatever I want? So… are we in a relationship now?” Lulu said teasing you. “OF COURSE NOT!! We are still young. Court me when you get back here, and I’ll answer you when our right age came.” You said. “Hahaha! I’m just joking. Why are you blushing? You blush so easily. Hahaha!” Lulu said. “Ah! Ah! So mean! >//////< I hate you. >3___
Posted on: Tue, 03 Sep 2013 07:50:41 +0000

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