PART 2 OF 8 KEYS TO MAKE YOUR NEW SEASON BECOME A REALITY Todd Coontz on Benny Hinn 3. Nurture and protect your mind and body. Your mind is a garden. It can be fragile at times. You decide what grows in it. You renew it by reading God’s Word. Only then can you be protected from the wrong things that can hurt and ultimately destroy you. You can’t stop thoughts from approaching you, but the wrong kind of thoughts don’t have jurisdiction on earth. We are called to spend time with Him, to understand His thoughts, and to be renewed daily. We are to nurture and protect not only the mind but also the body. We must look after ourselves, eat the right foods, get proper exercise, and seek understanding of God’s nutrition and wholeness. It takes effort to nurture ourselves, but if the body collapses, we will not be able to fulfill God’s will in our life and enter this new season with a vitality and energy the He desires for us. This is a powerful key! 4. Forgive others. You’ve been wronged before, probably many times. People have offended you. That happens all the time. But you have to release the offense or it will become bitterness, which will destroy you. In Matthew 18, Jesus was asked how many times we should forgive. He answered, “Seventy times seven.” Of course by that He meant that forgiveness should be endless. In the Lord’s Prayer, we were told, “If ye forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you: But if ye forgive not men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses” (Matthew 6:14-15). If Jesus was willing to hang on a cross and give up His life so our sins could be forgiven, how can we think that we have a right to harbor unforgiveness? Even as you struggle with forgiving others, it is your act of faith that releases healing and allows you to move into a new season. Let go of that offense! Your new season starts with a step of faith. Your tomorrow can be different from your today. You hold the key in your hand that unlocks a thousand doors brimming with opportunity. May you receive the grace to overcome in Jesus name...
Posted on: Wed, 30 Oct 2013 08:20:27 +0000

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