(PART 2) THE FOURTH WISE MAN REPRESENTS HUMANITARIAN SERVICE: A certain woman in Bethlehem who was with a baby boy was approached by a soldier who along with others were searching for new born baby boys to kill by the order of king Herod. The intention was to eliminate the new born king in the process of killing every new born male child. There the fourth wiseman prevented the soldier. He told them that he had been waiting for the soldier there to present him with a gift. He handed the gift to the soldier who retreated leaving the baby boy alive. The soldier was actually being bribed by the fourth wiseman to spare the life of the baby. In truth, this is exactly what look place. For those of you who were not there at that time, this is for your information. The fourth wiseman continued in search of Christ for 33 years. he did not find him. On the very day He was crucified, the fourth wiseman arrived at the city. He was confronted with another pathetic problem that needed his goodness. A certain girl whose father was indebted to another man and could not pay the debt was arrested by her father’s creditor. When the girl saw the fourth wiseman she cried with a loud voice that he should come to her rescue. She said her father was of the same clerical rank with him and wore the same cap. The fourth wiseman obliged and got her released. That was the last gift left with him and he parted with it. That was the same day the Lord was crucified and there was a great storm and the earth shook to its foundation. the storm continued to ravage the world, a mighty stone rolled down from a mountain and crushed the fourth wisemen to death. It was at that point that he saw our Lord Jesus Christ who spoke the words as recorded in Matthew 25: 35 - 36: For I was an hungered and ye gave me meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me drink: I was a stranger, and ye took me in. Naked, and ye clothed me: I was sick, and ye visited me: I was in prison, and ye came unto me. Those words were said by Christ to the fourth wiseman who thought he had failed in his mission to see the Lord physically. The fourth wiseman in turn asked the Lord when He was hungry and he fed Him, naked and he clothed Him and so on. The Lord replied him saying: In as much as you did these good deeds to the needy, you have done them to me to me. There was a young girl there on the scene who was the one who witnessed what transpired between the Lord and the fourth wiseman and she retold it. This Information is for your awareness and understanding. This is a clear indication that no man has the power to do anything on his own. This is why it is said that, it is only the king who knows the secret of His kingdom. God therefore is responsible for everything that happens. His will alone prevails. THE THREE MAGGI: The tree other wisemen after presenting their gifts were directed by the angel to take a different route home and should not go back to Herod to inform him as he had requested because of his dubious intent. But for those gifts, Joseph would not have been able to cater for his wife, Mary, and the baby. The same angel instructed Joseph to flee with the child and his wife to Egypt for their lives. God does not make any mistake and all His plans are for our advantage. God had pre-ordained all these things. Read the first lesson again. BY LEADER OLUMBA OLUMBA OBU THE SUPERNATURAL TEACHER, AND SOLE SPIRITUAL HEAD OF THE UNIVERSE BROTHERHOOD OF THE CROSS AND STAR Excerpt from the gospel: WHEN WAS CHRIST CRUCIFIED
Posted on: Sat, 24 Aug 2013 10:18:20 +0000

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