PART 2: The Second (2) Church ~ I Didn’t Sign up I Got Elected; - TopicsExpress


PART 2: The Second (2) Church ~ I Didn’t Sign up I Got Elected; and by the way I Didn’t Choose to be born a Woman ~ that Was God’s Plan! I was without a church location for about 6 months as I tried different venues and meetings in search of what God had put in my spirit regarding wealth transfer and business. I had this book in me but I couldn’t identify what I was carrying. I just knew people needed a road map! In 1996 there was nothing that I came across that spoke to this area especially the need for prayer and intercession for financial leaders! I finally started to attend another church here in OC. This was the pastor that withdrew his students 3 months before the graduation of the charter class, and I was able to call his voice mail and express my need to know what to do because of the revealed truth that I had received from the Lord and others. He received me with one visit to his office although I didn’t have a clear understanding of the whole picture of my assignment yet. I determined that this was where I needed to be during this current season. It was a church that the bible school used as its classroom the first year in 1992. I had attended this church during that first year of school, and then when we moved to the location that the school and church relocated to that second year, of course I moved on. The worship that was beginning to be displayed in this church is what drew me there. I was beginning to be wooed by the Holy Spirit in every arena and enter into places that I had never been before. I loved to praise the Lord by worshipping Him in dance at home and in church. It was not something that a lot of people were doing at this time in this church. I would go to the back corner of the church and begin to dance before the Lord with freedom. The worship began to be more brilliant and sustaining and others began to express their worship in dance up front. It was so wonderful to be free to worship and adore the Lord! The services were fine and I was beginning to be overwhelmed between my personal intimacy with God and the worship at church. I was constantly weeping before the Lord as He began to change and rearrange me. The times of intimacy I was experiencing was cleansing and beautiful and glorifying God with great humility and brokenness! As I surrendered to the Lordship of Jesus Christ. I was being drawn away by my beloved! I was being rearranged and I knew I was on a journey I had been longing for without revelation or knowledge. The whole earth was coming into a deep bridal paradigm and beginning to understand Gods love and intimacy as never before! I continued to get up early every morning or when I was beckoned in the night by the Lord and responded to His calling. I was carrying so much internally and becoming pregnant with what it all was. It was during this time that the Lord disconnected my business phone and sat me in the house for three years to begin to seek Him and write. Not all people understood the sovereignty of God closing the door on all types of work and the trust that I had to develop in Gods provision. At this time I would periodically bring manila envelopes of materials to the pastor after the services to give him an update on my progress. I clearly didn’t know how I was to approach him with what God was doing. I tried to make and appointment to address the assignment, so they gave me to another man to meet who had no clue about “marketplace ministry” or wealth transfer and the transition that was going on world wide. So he tried to recommend someone in ministry in Florida that he was acquainted with who did mass meetings in auditoriums for business people with major speakers! I submitted some of my material to this other man that I was directed to, and the next thing I knew he was called to gather business people by the pastor and form a meeting and began to expand teaching and quoting things from what I had shared that the Lord had given in my time of prayer. (Again, sadly affirming that anointed women were not to be honored in the assignment that was God given!) There was no recognition that I was walking in some from of transformation and on a journey defined by the Holy Spirit. At one point I talked to the assistant pastor who suggested I go across the street and get a job at a hotel because this may very well led me to “business people”. It was very hard to express the great internal working God was doing in me as I began to write the book! I was weaned by the Lord to a much fasted life style at this time and I become very sensitive in the spirit to the things around me and the conditions of our self consumptive life styles. I was limited to Gods supplies which made me acutely aware of the separation of the carnal world and the spirit world. My experiences were extraordinary and I knew a realm that I had become more comfortable with than the natural realm. Of course this was a church full of married couples and the Pastor seemed to have a small stable of up and coming young male ministers that he often referred to about their natural assignments such as motor cross racing, or as the young healing evangelist, or the son of a formerly well known Minster of prayer. Etc who he mentored or covered as a “pastor” should! I would often ask the Lord silently “who covers this assignment who do I submit this to Lord”? I had been getting so many phone calls for counsel that I started a weekly prayer breakfast in a local restaurant. I told the pastor that I was doing this but I never asked it to be announced nor requested any assistance in this regard. I just felt to seek any further would almost border on presumption. The meetings went on for several months until the first of the next year then the Lord told me to closed it down and focus on the book writing and to get it moving forward. Finally one morning I was up and feeling so full of revelations and information that I could hardly contain myself and I felt I was pregnant with so much I needed some help. So when I came to the church this Sunday morning I approached the Pastor with all of this information and requested to have a meeting with Him. He told me that “he had prophets coming out of his ears” because a very famous prophet was a guest in the congregation that day. I knew I was considered a bit intrusive on his agenda with this remark. So after the service I waited until the end to go ask him if I could make an appointment with him. He stated that we should just talk then because the anointing was still there. So he asked me what I was doing, then I began to express the wonder of this fullness. I told him I was writing a book, His remark is “there are lots of books in the book stores”. What are you planning to do? I said teach, his next remark was, “well there are only so many pulpits to stand at.” I alluded to the fact that I tried to give him the updated information I was receiving and what I was doing on a regular basis in a manila envelope as was my custom. He stated he had pile and held up his fingers implying the size “this thick”. I clearly didn’t have a definitive understanding as to what a leadership role was to submit myself to, because I clearly had no one who seemed interested in some sort of guidance! I left that day feeling very dejected and in a sort of frustration as to what to do with what I was carrying. I felt this was something trying to break me down on this journey and clearly it was not being embraced by the channels that I “thought” I was to submit to with the way I had formerly been trained. It just seemed to be so hard! So I went back to this church determined to be an observer to understand the mind set of the leadership. I observed that being a single woman in leadership would not be an asset or embraced. It was married couples that were focused on, and young up and coming men. Women clearly were only embraced if married. I was speaking to a married woman in a visible leadership role in this church with her husband, while outside one week end. What she alluded next was the book she was led to write and told me that the “Pastor” had approached her to be the liaison for it to be published when she finished it. I silently thought how interesting? After several more weeks I was on my knees at home again asking God what do I do? Who covers all of this? I woke up with this scripture of Deut 8:3 in my spirit one night and got up to read Deut 8: 1-3 “He humbled you and made you hunger and fed you with manna that you did not know………and man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of the Lord!” It was shortly after this time that I was home one evening alone watching Christian television, and a man whom I had never heard before was on and began to quote this same scripture, He had my attention……….”and man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of the Lord!” His name was Mark Hamby and he was beginning to preach the Gospel of the Kingdom message the same sound that I been hearing when I was on my face asking the Lord to show me the hidden and secret mysteries that I did not know! His next statement floored me He said “where are the ministers to mentor and protect the new ministers who are coming up?!” Wow! God had the same heart and was confirming what I was asking “where are they”? Sill unsure but knowing the futility that I had experienced took me to visit other churches. Clearly God must have something more!
Posted on: Wed, 02 Oct 2013 19:53:39 +0000

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