PART 2: WRITTEN SUMMARY by Henry Steven Khoo on Modern Islamic - TopicsExpress


PART 2: WRITTEN SUMMARY by Henry Steven Khoo on Modern Islamic Unification for All Mankind- TRADITIONAL CULTURE OR FAITH= CONFUCIANISM with CHRISTIANITY Theme: The CONFUCIANISM SOCIAL MODEL- CHARITY, HELPING THE POOR and Preventing the Planetary(Universe) Economical Waste through the Christian/Muslim- Confucian Integrated Model) Let us read the New Bible Section: The Gospel of Matthew: Chapter 14: 13 to 21, Gospel of Mark: Chapter 6: 30-44, Gospel of Luke: Chapter: 9 10-17, Gospel of John Chapter 6: 1-14 …..... Jesus took the 5 loaves and the 2 fish. He looked up towards HEAVEN and Blessed the food. Then Jesus broke the BREAD and FISH and handed them to his disciplines t give to the people. Everyone ate ALL THEY WANTED. What was LEFT over filled with 12 baskets. Let us read the Holy Quran, Surah 57 Al- Hadid (The Iron) C.236 (57: 1-29) Allah is All-in-All: Follow His Law And His Light. And obey His Prophet, who invites you to DEEDS OF GOODNESS AND CHARITY. Strive and spend your RESOURCES and yourselves in the CAUSE of Allah. He will grant you a LIGHT to go beyond you and guide you to your ETERNAL GOAL. Where no EVIL can enter. When SUCCESS CROWNS your efforts, Even them is the time to humble yourselves before Allah. In sincere WITNESS to His LOVE. The pleasures here below are DECEPTIVE. Be foremost in seeking Allah and His Good Pleasure. TRUST HIM- be not like those who mistook mere renounce of the world for Allahs service. Allahs Grace is for all: Be your love and your SERVICE for ALL. Let us read the Holy Quran: Surah 103 Al-Asr (The Time through the Ages) C. 283 (103- 1 to 3) WASTE NOT, nor MISUSE your LIFE. Time through the AGES bears WITNESS that nothing remains. But FAITH and GOOD DEEDS and the teaching of TRUTH And the teaching of PATIENCE and CONSTANCY But for these Man against Time is in loss! Introduction: SHOPPING for FREE available at TAIWANS FOOD BANK #Taichung City Food Bank is the FIRST FACILITY in Taiwan where the poor and needy can pick up their FREE GROCERIES and TOILETRIES. #Size Area: 330 sq m. #Location: Taichung, Central Taiwan How do they operate? #Here, they buy the supplies using “points” allocated to them between 1,000 and 2,000 points based on the size of their households. # All items in the store are DONATED by CORPORATION or the GENERAL PUBLIC in TAIWAN which are priced in POINTS. For example: A large bottle of Canned Fish is 40 points etc. # All items in the store are DONATED by CORPORATION or the GENERAL PUBLIC in TAIWAN which are priced in POINTS. #It is operated as a mini supermarket with separate sections for VARIOUS TYPES OF SUPPLIES ranging from Salt to sanitary pads. #It is equipped with donated trolley and a check-out counter manned by volunteers. # It is tied up with other free professional services. For example: Free HAIR CUT to the NEEDY. # It also tied up with Government has a CENTRAL WAREHOUSE to collect the donated items. * A Central Warehouse usually receives and stores DONATION of FOODSTUFF. * It is then REDISTRIBUTED to WELFARE ORGANIZATIONS, which then pass the DONATED SUPPLIES to beneficiaries. Who are the targeted beneficiaries for the Taiwan Free Food Bank programs? # low or low middle income and those who are qualified for government assistance. #those who are disaster victims, single mother or people who have just LOST their jobs. What are the benefit of Taiwan Free Food Bank programs to Manufacturers and businessmen? # Besides helping the less fortunate, the Free Food Banks is fostering PHILANTHROPY and also RELIGION act of Love and Charity #It help to prevent WASTE as the original supplies which the Businessmen receive are often FLAWED or excess goods such as DENTED CANNED FOOD. * They are good for HUMAN CONSUMPTION but not for SALE. Who are the owners, co-owners, sponsors for the Taiwan Free Food Banks? #Mr. Jeff Chen, Director of the Taichjung Red Cross. #Mr. Liu Yi-Chung, Executive Director of Taiwan Peoples Food Bank Association. #Ms. Chang Yi-Chun, Executive Secretary from the Pxmart Qing Xiang Charity Foundation (Pixxmart, the largest supermarket Operator in Taiwan, ROC. Henry Steven Khoos Constructive Comment and GLOBAL PRAYERS. #It is the desire of my heart unto MANKIND that this “united concept such as CONFICIUS -ISLAMIC(CHRISTIAN+MUSLIM+JEW) SOCIAL MODEL will be operated in the future: * AFRICA, LATIN AMERICA, CENTRAL ASIA, ASIA, EUROPE(EAST EUROPE), USA, AUSTRALIA. #Global Modern Islamic Unification Movement with all Mankind, an associate group with the GLORY WORLD BUSINESS GROUP is available to: * Donors * Volunteers * Charity Foundation/Philanthropy, Corporate Social Responsibility- CSR and Corporate Governance practiced by Public Listed Companies in the Stock Exchange * investors, manufacturer, businessmen, professionals, * All nations especially the UNITED NATIONS. * Religions Organizations etc. * Advertisers * General #They can set up this global projects by leveraging on my global Humanity “ populace, GLOBAL MODERN ISLAMIC UNITED WITH ALL MANKIND to spearhead FREE DISTRIBUTION whether it is food, medicine, clothing etc. by the Charity Foundation, Corporation etc #The projects will be available to sincere needy and those in material poverty (not money) with regardless of their religions, ethnic. # The projects should be dealing with “ sincere” need and those in real material poverty (not involving money) with regardless of their religion, nationality, ethnic backgrounds #With respect to this global projects, I will prefer to take the INACTIVE role of an Adviser: Reason being, I have too many “spiritual responsibilities for the CREATOR and Innovation work to be done. **I have problem with the CREATOR. I have to focus on the SPIRITUAL, HUMAN WISDOM, HUMAN PSYCHIC, & PRECISION NUMBERS, SYSTEM METHODOLOGY SUCH AS FINANCE ENGR #Allah has given me so much PROBLEMS, OBSTACLES, WISDOM, SECRET and MYSTERY more than KING SOLOMON to be RESOLVED and to be IMPROVED for the WORLD #So it will have to be operated by teams of global successors INDEPENDENT AND COMMITTED from the above lists as called by the CREATOR to help the sincere NEEDY and MATERIAL as well as SPIRITUAL POVERTY
Posted on: Wed, 29 Jan 2014 05:39:47 +0000

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