PART 2 of our Life Testimony And how we Got Saved . Right - TopicsExpress


PART 2 of our Life Testimony And how we Got Saved . Right after I got my degree in cosmetology the Iraqi war start , I used to get very mad seen our soldiers getting killed just because they dont know the culture there and how to deal with it .my fiancé (wife) heard they are taking applications for people to help training soldiers on fort hood before deployed ,I went there they said we already closed the opening ,I gave my resume to the guy and told him my skills and told him I am not doing this for the money ,please reconsider ,I want to help ,and left ,the next day I got a call from them to meet with the super visor he told me they did mistake in the interviews they have to do it again and they like my resume and my skills the job was 8 dollars in hour I said I dont care ,I got the job I was working the first three months of the war seven days a week 18 hours a day ,the only time my finance knows am home is when she feel my kiss on her cheek when I leave at 3:00 am going back to work . After that I baca me in charge of all the sites they have of the training there for the civilians personnel on the field there, they had captain as an OC called steward Ruby Steward for monitoring my work and based on her reports about me ,they decided not let me go after my contract was over ,they offered me different job , I start traveling nation wide to different military bases to give classes to soldiers before deployed also traveling a lot to California to the naval post graduated school in Monterey ,to give classes to high rank officers , I was traveling a lot ,I became working for company belong to the navy called leader development adulation for sustain peace .the people doing the classes with me was retired ambassadors ,famous writers ,university professors ,etc, I met and be came friends with many of them I liked that a lot but I missed my work on the field because I was helping the ones really who was facing the danger ,anyway ,I was getting high pay and no taxes because they call it honorable money ,in two months we open up salon bought house and we got married ,my wife was in the salon and I was traveling ,till one day we set together me and my wife and she said , Jonathan we are growing a part we never see each others ,you are gone all the time am at the salon ,I know you want to help but now you dragged different way you not in the help anymore ,your career need you too ,ones the war over this job is over your clients going to stop coming too ,I need you ,we had a long chat about this ,but at that time I did not get it I loved what I was doing , but God knows whats right , on one trip I had an argument with retired colonel there ,I resigned my position he wanted me to give class I dont believe it was going to be helpful for these soldiers at all in fact it was going to be bad , we got in an argument ,I resigned ,I did not even wait till the three days past I took the first plain and head back when the company on fort hood find out they contacted me offering me my job back here ,I took it two months later KBR brown and root company took over ,it start to be all about the money ,they called me to the office it was super visor from the home office from Houston there ,he said what do you this of 186000 dollars a year plus 25000 every six months extra going to Iraq I said no thank you I am good here ,he said what??? Do you know how much money is that ? I said yes ,he said tell your wife about that and let me know ,I said if I tell my wife she is going to tell me to tell you real bad word so its bed for me to tell you my self no thank you , I am fine here I love what I am doing for the soldiers here am not doing it for the money , he said what r you doing for than love?? I said I am doing for something maybe someone like you sir wont understand why, he said your contract will be over in one month if you dont take this offer you may dont have job with us here ,I said I tell you what , I make it easier for you ,I dont want to have the job starting now ,because I am not going to make living of the soldiers blood ,this type of thing is for people like you and who hire you in this company ,thank you for the offer so long ,wile I was leaving the office I can hear his voice all way to the outside telling the other super visor I dont want to see this ,,,,,,,,,face anymore here ,I was wearing the black military uniform I showed up at the salon my wife looked at me said what?? I told her I am done thats it we are together here ,I can tell she felt good , she was doing client , we worked in that salon three years it was great till they start moving soldiers a lot and their families start moving , we kept spending money a lot on advertising for the new ones who arrive then they move them again then again spend more advertising , till we end up going very low with money ,besides I was repaying my credit cards still , we end up cutting part of the house make it salon and move the salon to it ,and sell the location the problem you cant advertise in residential area thats the law , so we was not making enough , that time things was going bad with everything business money relationship , Austin was in my mind but how? No money to move ,one day I talked to friend of mine in Austin they both work him and his wife in pest control company I told them if they can help me get job there ,they did I past the test ,the company owners let me use the truck after my last stop and gave me gas card ,to go home with it so I start to leave at 4am to Austin to be the first one there to pick up the most stops because it is commission pay ,I was making good money , no one believed from our friends that Jonathan doing pest control because as far as they know Jonathan is that soft suit wearing guy , no wrong ,when I need to support my family I do what I need to do . Anyway three months in the company I became very known with customers I was getting lots of request in the orders Jonathan only , the owners was so happy ,and they use to say if they open office in Killeen I will be the one who run it ,and they start spending money on my classes in this career ,but I had different goal not this , one day I was home we got in to a big huge fight me and my wife ,I desired to move out ,I called my friends who got me the job ,the guy came from Austin drove my car I drove the company truck and I lived with them for a wile ,two weeks later my wife came to Austin to meet with me so we can talk we had long chat ,and we desired to move to Austin , we put the house for sale and moved to round rock ,she became salon manager at jc Penney salon there ,and I am in my work , everything went ok between us except she had some problems at work ,after wile she got better offer at alta salon she start working for them ,by that time I have been working for the pest control company almost a year , and we both me and her ready to do what we are planing , I went and found the place it was in down town round rock huge house was built in the 1800 hundreds beautiful two floors I got killer deal on it for rent am great bargain , and used what I saved with all my skills with how to do big business with small budget we end up having a salon have 18 styling chair message room facial room manicure room gift room beautiful and resign from the pest control company it made people mad but what can I do. And went back to wear my suit ,and got my wife to be her own boss again , we hired people and we start , we was rocking ,,six months later my wife thought I was crazy but whats new ,we opened another one in north Austin that one was smaller ,but great location it rocks too also got a killer deal on it ,we start working together me and my wife , there is nothing we want we did not get , I want Mercedes I got it brand new ,we want to buy house we end up building one 3500 sq feet in pflugerville and area called the commons the best sub devision there ,it was the biggest house on that street , best furniture , but guess what??? We was never happy ,all what we talk about business and money , nothing else , we used to fight so much to a point whether her or me when we walk in to that house we feel we walking in to jail not to a beautiful home ,, till one day I remember it till now ,it was Saturday ,we was at the salon in Austin ,we got in in big fight ,I said something bad to her she hurt me with another bad words and I front of the employees also ,on Sunday we did not talk to each others at all comes Monday I went to the court grabbed divorce papers brought them to her and told her I need you to sign this ,she said what is that I said I can not take this anymore we are divorcing ,we had big fight too ,it took few weeks for her to sign after we separated and I filed ,before the divorce was final in few weeks I looked on Facebook I found one girl excepted my friend request I had send it to her over eleven month a go ,she was a client of my wife from Killeen ,I was setting in the salon ,by the way during the divorce I did not care about the salons anymore even the employees was trying to help with keep it going and be on my side but I use to tell them I dont care ,anyway I checked this girl page it was all of it bible verses I send her message asking her I said hi thank you for adding me ,I hope I am not bothering you with my message but can you tell me what page in the bible I can read for depression? I am very depressed she respond two hours later said what is wrong my brother I said me and Stacey got divorced and it will be final in two three weeks she said I am very sorry to hear that ,I felt something about you a week a go I was going to send you message but I did not God made you send me message ,can I have my pastor call you ? I said yes sure here is my number she said I am going to see him tonight ,I said ok , I remember it was Wednesday , I went home it was at evening ,I got phone call Killeen area code I answered as soon as he said hello my chest open up I stand up on my feet I dont know why , I said hi , he said I am pastor jaims from Killeen I said I said thank you for calling me ,he said I am calling before I have dinner with my family to let you know I am with you ,and you not alone ,tell me whats going on ,I told him he said what religion are you I told him I am Druze ,he said what are you doing tomorrow I said nothing ,he said I would love to meet you I havent been in Austin from a wile can I come see you ,I said sure he said ok I will call you when I get to some place there by the high way I said ok he Pray for me and we hanged up ,the next day we met at place I know ,after that he spend most of the day with me , I remembered one incident happened when he was with me I showed him the salons he prayed there we was leaving the salon in north Austin ,I am taking off from the parking lot on to the street ,this gang looking guy and car honk at me and flip me off ,he did not know the traffic light will turn red I front of us ,and the pastor was telling me something when this was happening ,when we stopped on the light I told the pastor ,please give me second I will be back and stepped out of the car walked to the driver of that car ,I used to carry taser with me at all times i tazed him two three times put back the taser calmly back in its place and walk back to my car set in it and drove and told the pastor ,yes where were we ? His eyes was wide open ,I guess he forget about what he was talking about ,because he changed the subject ,but he did not say anything about what I did , in the after noon he hugged me and prayed again for me and went back to Killeen , I chat with my wife client told her how nice he was , she told me I should come on Sunday I did not promised her ,,but on Sunday I got dressed and drove to Killeen I walked in , people start to ask me are you the one going to be preaching today?? I say what?? Whats preaching?? The pastor saw me he came all way hugged me and said am glad you came we have preacher from Africa today ,u will meet him after . I lesson to his word when I did it really got in to me ,I felt Jesus inside me telling me something before it was end they did alter call i repented there and excepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and savior , but still dont know anything about Christianity ,I left back to Austin my wife had moved to Killeen she lived in apartment was not in good area ,she did not want anything ,the divorce was final thats when it hit me , and it went worse with me I did not care anymore about nothing no business no nothing I closed one and sold the other for nothing , and I start to run after her to save her by Jesus but she wont believe me I got saved because the way I was with people ,till one time she believe it ,she got saved by the same church I used to go to I did not know she used to go at 5 am every morning to pray to God there to restore her marriage ,I was in Austin dealing with my bad life , I heard she is behind on her car payments and about to loose it ,I went to car max there gave the my favorite car there was trans am has very low milage they gave me four thousand dollars for it even if it was worth more I did not care and paid for what she owe on her car . I had problem with the church at one time I wont talk about it but it was really major one and back then I did not know nothing about Christianity so I back slide ,what made it worse in my feelings to dont like it to go back is that my ex wife feelings was used to cover the truth why I left ,so the truth never recovered ,it was told I back slide because a woman and it was not . Anyway , God was still with me ,I was driving in George Town trying to take the left turn line this big truck cut me off I hit my breaks to let him in but he did not want in he straight up when I stopped next to him I looked he was laughing at me ,I got real mad and did say something bad to him he followed me ,I pulled over HEB gastation parking lot ,he got out I got out , huge guy , I told him whats so fun about that? Why would you do something like this for? Do you think this is make real man? He said what he want to say too , and he turn to go back to his truck I turn to open my door to get in my car all sudden I felt these hands grabbing me turning me around and four five punishes on the face ,wile he is doing that a girl in the car saw him held at him said hey what are you doing am calling the cops he walked towards her she took he grab his phone and called someone , and then he came back towards me by that time the taser in my hand I tazed him with it ,I kept it on him till he fall ,and called the police , I was surprised how the police showed up in one minute and why just one car at first , the cop got out pull his gun and point it at me and said drop whats in your hand I said I already dropped it before you stopped you saw me , the guy on the ground got up , the cop walk up to me turn me around and start to say are you resisting arrest? Where r u from I told him he said I gave good spot for u in Jain I am going to sent u back to your country and he start saying bad words towards my mother and my sister ,I told him you should not be wearing this uniform ,it does not belong to guy line you ,all sudden he start pushing me around ,when the other four cars of cops show up he stop ,he told them I tazed the other guy and damaged his truck they took his statement ,but no one took mine ,finally I told one of them ,did anyone wants to ask me what happen? The officer said ok what happen ? I told him you are taking photos of some damage of his truck why dont you take photos of my face what he did to it? He said I dont want to talk about that ,I said than what r u want to talk about than the weather? Forget it this is already set ,they kept me in the parking lot till after four to make sure the judge is gone so I stay in jail for the night ,I went to jail and it was the worse feeling I ever had in my life ,I am not just nobody in my family also I never been in jail in my life ,it was very very hard for me, the only person was on my side quests who , my ex wife ,the next day I saw the judge I explain to him ,he said he wont tolerate I dont know what he wont tolerate exactly but God forgive him because grudge should be fair because he will be judge some day. I end up choosing lawyer from the court city lawyer and guess what he was a cop and now he practice law and his 90% with the other side not with me , he showed me the videos from the other police cars I asked him where is the videos from that one cop police car he said he does not know,ok where is the 911 call from that girl she saw the girl he does not know ,I fight it for nine months ,but the truth ,less if I plead guilty it wont be over ,or come up with at least 8000 dollars for a lawyer ,so I plead guilty ,the reason why I was saying God is good ,because if this did not happen I wont be with my wife now ,the day I got belled out by her ,I went to the house picked up my dogs and some of my clothes and went to her apartment in Killeen and asked her to forgive me ,two months later we was married again and here we are now , I get rid of the huge house ,I took back the Mercedes , we lived on one car for two years no cable nothing ,but very happy ,I believe in my heart Jesus did this to straight me up and put me back on the right path ,he saved us in that church and brought us to the home where he is faith point Faith Point Killeen and gave us great family we are now so blessed and I thank him every day ,I owned many businesses before and here I am now waiting to be cyber security guy with degree and I love my life ,seen any of my family in Christ makes my day seen and spend time with any of my Godly pastors makes me feel the world between my hands and been in the best house of God as member and have great beautiful wife on top of that Jesus blessing and protecting all this for you ,what else do we want in life more than that ... ?? This is what you call real rich guys!!! Sorry it is long .but I promise there is no part 3 I love you all
Posted on: Wed, 31 Dec 2014 00:35:21 +0000

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