PART 23 Hey everyone! This is my THIRD attempt at writing this, - TopicsExpress


PART 23 Hey everyone! This is my THIRD attempt at writing this, but every time I start writing it the world says nope and my computer shuts down or my siblings get on it and exit out of my stuff. Its a bunch of poo. But hopefully this one will actually be uploaded and since I didnt post yesterday like I said I would I will make this one a little longer that usual and also because its my first post in a while. So here we go. River, Echo and Forrest opened the Secret Room and went inside and explored for a little bit before River decided that it was time to go to bed. So they went to bed and now its the morning after with River Banks. *~*~*~*~*~* River groaned as she turned over in her bed and pulled up the blankets around her. She thought about going back to sleep, but then she slowly opened her eyes and realized that she wasnt in her room. She quickly sat up and nearly started panicking when she realized she wasnt in a hotel and her kids werent with her, but the events of the previous night had quickly come back to her before she could panic. River, Forrest and Echo had stopped by an abandoned town for lunch/dinner. Then did some exploring and when River decided it was time to go, the van stopped working because it was out of gas and the nearest gas station was too far away in any direction, so they decided to stay the night, but then the entire Banks family figured out that the whole town was put under a powerful spell cast by the towns sorcerer, Warren. After River had calmed down, she and her kids decided to get a wardrobe change courtesy of a family of tailors (and one artist), Kaleb and Kayla Wiggins and their son, Charlie. After they got new clothes they went back to the car where they met a wanna-be mechanic/town blacksmith Kevin Seattle, who is a little enthusiastic about cars and machinery and how it all works. Shortly after meeting Kevin, the trio meet Mayor Jeffreys wife Cassandra, a really nice woman, who invited River and her kids into her home where they could stay until they had decided to leave. While at the Little Heaven Mansion, Forrest and Echo found a map that led to the Secret Room and in order to get to the Secret Room a bunch of levers had to be pulled in a specific sequence to open the room. Eventually, the kids, with the help of their new friends and mother, got the room open and they got to take a quick peak inside of the room before it was time for everyone to go to bed. River sighed in relief at the recalled information, but still had an uncomfortable feeling at the back of her mind that said that she should get out of the town as fast as she could because every single resident was A GHOST! Rivers eyes widened as she laid back down on the bed and thought about everything. Its not that bad. River said to herself. Theres a house. She paused for a moment before she added, A really big house. And food. And people who make food. And a sorcerer. And magical items in a elevator room with some random miscellaneous junk. River sighed and placed her hands over her eyes. She inhaled for a few seconds and exhaled. Just a few days. She told herself. Someone is bound to come through the town who would be willing to help us out with some gas. River said, semi-convincing herself to stay and relax. SEMI-convincing. She didnt like the idea of staying, but there wasnt exactly a better one that she could see. She looked over by the door and saw her bags from the van in front of it. She smiled and figured Cassandra or Jeffrey had asked Brutus to get her bags before he retired. She made a mental note to thank Brutus for carrying their bags in, but for right now, it was time to check up on the kids and make a plan for what they were to do for the day. *~*~*~*~*~* Forrest woke up and was surprised to find himself in a large bed inside an equally large room. He smiled at the events of the night previous and he immediately got up. He looked at the door and saw his pile of clothes from Charlie folded up and put into neat piles as well as his bags from the van. He looked between the two different eras of clothing choices before he decided out loud, 21st century teenager by day. Pioneer adventurer by night. He quickly got into his suitcase and changed into a new set of clothes that he felt was more comfortable that the clothes he had chosen earlier yesterday morning. After he had changed, he quickly went to the bathroom before he left the room to go on another morning adventure. This quest? To find food... Or find his mom, who will make him food of some sort. He peaked out of his room before he tiptoed out and walked over to his moms room. He heard a voice inside of the door and figured it was just his mom mumbling again. She had an odd tendency of doing that when she was stressed or confused or angry. He knocked on the door before he walked in, quietly calling out for his mumbling mom. Forrest found his mom still in bed when he walked into the room. River smiled at Forrest and invited him over to the bed to sit down. Morning, kido. River said ruffling Forrests hair when he sat down. Forrest groaned and tried swatting his moms hand away. Im hungry. He stated as if it was completely obvious. Which it should have been. River chuckled and nodded. Okay. Lets get Echo and then go hunting for food. Sound like a plan? She asked as she got out of bed and grabbed a change of clothes from her bag. Forrest nodded. Okay. You go get Echo, Im going to change and then we can go find some food. Forrest nodded and went to go get Echo. *~*~*~*~*~* Alright. There is the beginning to the next section of The Chronicles of Little Heaven. I hope you all like it. Please leave a comment below suggesting what I should do next or just tell me if you liked it. Have a good day everyone! Im going to bed. Tootles.
Posted on: Thu, 09 Oct 2014 06:28:25 +0000

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