PART 3. THE FUNNIEST TOUCHING CHILDHOOD JOURNEY I TRAVELLED TO MOMBASA TOGETHER WITH MY LITTLE COUSIN. I then had sh. 800 now it was made final decision that i return my past tense mobile phone from the 40 years old mother i sold it to who lived in the outskirt of the neighbouring village. I never approached toward the Boma of the innocent mother who was enjoying the mobile phone but rather went again the bus station. The ticket fare was like the previous one. I reached the bus station around 6:00pm in the evening when almost all seats were occupied by human beings but to eagerness of travelling i found seat number 58 being vaccant and i was offered ticket no. 58 i paid sh. 750 and come back with a fifty shilling which was more usefull during our days than the valueless it become today. My gigantic father never hurried himself in asking me why i have not still returned my mobile phone. Exactly i was in the preparation mood for another journey to the beautiful city. Things were not like before when i came home around Maghrib time after praying i suddenly called my elder brother in the nearby bush since the issue of meeting one another in a sitting room were limited during my day, i consulted him about this issue of travelling but he told me just to respect dad and leave about travelling. Immediately i show him the ticket i was given this is when he agreed and promised to support me to reach the beautiful big city. Unlike the other journey which had so many people aware of it this was a different one it only had two servants, my elder brother and one of my cousins who was to accompany me on my way to the bus station. I discussed with my elder brother on how i will go out of this boma without dad and mum knowing, this is what he told me. My younger brother first you will pretend to be sleeping and then around the first adhaan of the fajr prayer you will awake me, to close the door that you open, you will move out silently upto to the home of our cousin and dad will not be aware until 8:00 am and i will tell him that you went to Fajr prayers. These were the words of my elder brother but did they worked or functioned..? It was night time after supper everyone strided toward his bed and i started sleeping with much joy and happiness felt in my sorrounding. I never wanted to miss hearing the first adhaan of the fajr prayer. I tried my best and i heard the Adhaan followed by awaking my elder brother to close the door, i tiptoed out of the Boma silently without letting anyone hear my sound. I started running to my cousins home in the nearby village in between was athick bush sometimes i come on collide with a sleeping family of a hyena and a groud of dogs with lots of puppies cheering themselves, i was never frightened but moving forward to reach my cousins home and i arrived there peacefully we never had time so we made our way to the bus station. The moment we reached the station, the bus was almost to set off its journey i appreciated to my cousin and aboarded the bus. I was in the last seat no. 58 and i never heard any identity like the previous journey but i feared from the Askaris the bridge because i dont have acompany right now. I decided to forward my request to the neighbouring seat whom almost all of them were teachers telling them to defend me when we reach the bridge. I passed the bridge after long disturbance by the Askaris. At around 10:30 am we reached Bura, the worst place where i was captured and deporteded back to home last journey. Iam now more than happy and fully excited that daddy got no information still on my whereabouts. The bus arrived Hola and people went out for some lunch and for some moment of quenching their thirst i never made myself to step out of the bus because of avoiding to eat some foods warned by my village boys like a fried meat of a mother monkey and the Nyama choma which had the meat of Hyena inside it. I was much terrified on the food these coastal survivors feed on, i avoided. Between Hola and Garsen is where the place now miracles happened. We meet the road blocked by some other Lorries who got stucked in the muddy point of the Marram road and were pushed so as to go out of the mud. I was now most fearing person in the globe, i was fearing of my father again coming with the White Helux while the lorries are still in the mud. I entered the bush near-by and started practising the Guerilla Warfare, entering the bush and trying to come out to look whether the bus got away or still the lorries are in the mud. Had my father arrived with his white Helux while the lorries were in or we went on with our journey to the beautiful city of Mombasa. Dont miss to get the information about what happened in the muddy point of the marram road in PART 4.
Posted on: Mon, 04 Aug 2014 05:02:46 +0000

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