PART 3: THIS IS MY STORY THIS MY SONG ME AND MY SAVIOR ALL THE DAY LONG . as i was making my walk through with my small flash light i noticed one of the girls had taken her thin mattress pad and sheet off her cement bed and put it on the floor and was laying on top of it. i ask her what was going on and she said i cant sleep i am worried about a letter i received from home and i am scared that my mom is going to give up my baby girl to CPS . this young girl had a baby at the age of 14 and got into some real heavy duty trouble which eventually lead her to serve 2 years in prison with TYC texas youth commission. she started to cry softly bc she didnt want the other girls to hear her bc crying in prison is a sign of weakness - such stress for some one so young to have to experience. the young girl ask me to hum her a hymn that her grandma and aunties use to sing THIS IS MY STORY…….. so i sat on the floor by her door and hummed her that song. she put one of her little small fingers under the door and i tapped her little finger to the beat of the hymn. while continuing to hum i heard other voices humming along with mine but the voices were coming from under the doors. so i ask the girls in the unit whos awake and who else is humming? then i heard voices coming from every direction calling out to me saying its me MART T. were on the floor humming too. then i heard a very loud shout saying over here MARY T. i jump up off the floor and run towards that shout and said who just shouted? the voice said over hear its unit F. as i made my way to unit F the girls were standing at their doors looking out their window and the girls said we want to join in the humming too at first i said WOW! then i said to myself i am going to be in so much trouble for waking up these girls i am like so fired like so terminated. so i made an agreement with all 3 females units that i would sit in their unit for 10 minutes each and sing songs with them as long as we all sang in our low voices. they agreed and they all went to bed after like they agreed and fell asleep and i didnt hear a peep out of them through out the night. finally around midnight i completed all my chores and sat down for spell. then i heard the same small still voice again saying this time the voice said, what should i say to those that love these children those that are praying in tears asking me to take care of their children while theyre in prison? whom shall i send the voice said. i began to weep at my desk and said my response was Lord send me i will remain behind until the end and i will never ask you to leave again and assure these families that their children will be in my prayers i too will stand in the gap and that i will also demonstrate mercy. from that day forward my whole attitude changed towards leaving. from that point on i viewed the girls as my daughters and my 12 disciples. i took care of them as my own. when i finally did leave i left as a supervisor who was in care of 72 plus youth. i was 34 years old when i arrived and left at age 40 - but left growing with a new perspective on life and the lives of our children. if i could encourage you by saying that i know its never easy to remain until the very end of your post, but i beg of you to stay on the charted course thats been set before you its the winners course and you win at the end even if you come in last. i assure you that those you help along the way will remember you in fondness and your heavenly father will remember you in heaven. god bless you my friends HAPPY SHABBAT!. mary ewers.
Posted on: Sat, 09 Aug 2014 17:48:29 +0000

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