PART 34 Destiny of a young italian girl by : Rose - TopicsExpress


PART 34 Destiny of a young italian girl by : Rose Miletello Saturday morning had arrived, but it was only 2 o ,clock am. A freight train was passsing by and Nancy was awakened from sounds that it made. Lying motionless she quietly listens to the metal grinding as it moves on the tracks. Then she heard an owl in the tree near the house. The hooting sound was, shrilling. The Pizzolato,s had ,chickens, but they were all in the hen house roosting up high on a perch. The owl was searching for prey, maybe he will find a field mouse near the barn. The field mice have been seen running for their lives around the area where Joe kept the grain for the animals. Nancy once saw her brother-in law chasing a mouse with a shovel in his hand.Joe was not too happy about finding the intruders in his barn. She was thinking that if it was her decision she would get a cat, and keep him in the barn. This would certainly keep the mice away or be the cat,s meal. Nancy tried her best to fall back to sleep but her mind was ticking like a clock. The nightmare about being on an overcrowed ship, when she was a girl , that has tormented her life. Nancy can not forget the faces of the hungry children, or the sickness, people dying and thrown into the ocean, while people were weaping. Will she ever have peace about that trip? Nancy was a young italian girl from sicily. who was on a destiny. She knew that God was with her family, she could have been sick with Cholera too. Nancy truely believes there is a God, and will teach her children to know him and to serve him. Finally she fell back to sleep and Tony woke her up at 4 am with a morning kiss. They both got dressed and went into the kitchen.Tony made a pot of coffee, and Nancy was going to cook breakfast. Nancy mixed up a batch of pancakes, and cooked some pork sausage patties. Sapina came into the kitchen and said that Joe was going to sleep a couple extra hours this morning. Since there was no work in the fields he wanted to take advantage of the extra time and get some rest. Then he mentioned that he was going to start digging post holes for the lean to shelter for the tractors. Tony was going to pay his nephews a couple of dollars to help him dig post holes, and to nail the tin, roof for his cow that Phillip was giving him. Charlie and Leon Benedict were his sister Katie,s sons. there were ages 9 and 8 and were good workers. Papa Leonardo taught them how to respect a job, and to do their best to complete it.Tony loved them and was planning on trying to spend more time with them. They did not have a father, because he had died but they had a wonderful grandpa [Leonardo, ]who was a the Male figure in their lives. While Nancy helped Sapina clean the kitchen, Sapina had pulled several pots and pans from the cabinet. These are for you, i have too many anyway. Nancy recieved 2 skillets, large pot and a medium size one, a soup laddle, spatular, 2 wooden spoons. Nancy said: oh thank you so much and she cried and told Sapina that she was going to miss her. Then both of the two pregnant women clung to each other with great big tears rolling down their cheeks. Nancy confessed that she was so confused about moving she never even realized the she could not cook, because she has no pots. i forgot to tell you that, katie was giving you her coffee pot , china set and silverware too. Mama Maggie stored it in her china cabinet. That was so sweet of her[says Nancy] well if she ever needs it back i will give it to her.Sapina said she want take it back. Katie is a lot like Mama Maggie, they love deep, and they are very generous. Tony was loading up the bedroom set through the back entrance. He did his best not to disturb Joe,s sleep. Even old Mario the mule was going to have his own private carrol. Tony was going to have to store the feed in a coverd barrel until he builds a barn. Tony has enough tin and posts to make a divided shelter. A place for the cow , and mule then , one for the wagon. He had ordered a roll of chicken wire from the hardware store in Maringouin last week, when he went to the bank. The wire was for building a pin for chickens. Mrs Harmon a lady whose husband owns a drug store in Maringouin was giving away free, all of her poultry. She just did not have the time to fool with them. MR. Bat Barrow from the bank told Tony about the free poultry. He saw Tony,s interest so he was going to the drug store to see her and make the arrangements. Tony will come to her house Tuesday afternoon to catch them and transport to Fordoche. Tony has to go to Maringouin on Monday morning to draw money from his checking account for groceries and to pay for the chicken wire. . He only had enough cash to pay his nephews for their work. Tony may also get the boys to help catch the poultry. The boys will be out of school by the time he goes to snare the poultry. There were ducks, turkeys, chickens, even a family of the Banta chickens [minature] They were all good laying hens. Mrs Harmon used the duck eggs for baking her cakes. Another Surprise for Nancy Tony was going to keep the poultry a secret, he wanted to surprise her. She will see them for the first time when he drives up Tuesday to unload them. She wanted farm animals and they were going to bew her special gift. Now they were owners of, a mule, cow, chickens, ducks and turkeys. God has blessed Tony and Nancy with so much in little time. He had given them a good harvest , with enough money to build a house. plus a little extra in the bank. God has provided furniture, now the livestock was free. Tony was going to bow down in their new home with Nancy to give thanks.. He was always working and did not attend church, but he still loved God and trusted in him . Moving out Sapina had packed a box of food for them, a jar of fig preserves, a jar of blackberry jam, 1 loaf of bread, 1 cheese. 2 pints of canned tomatoes. a quart of canned string beans, a jar of pickled pig feet, a smoked ham a dozen of eggs. pound of coffee, 2 pounds of sugar, She told Tony that this will feed them until he can go shopping.He hugged his sister in law and said goodbye Nancy was sitting in the wagon, crying it was very hard for her to leave Sapina. She was hoping that she was not disturbing anyone , but little Bull was getting up to milk the goats. He walked out on the back porch and saw the wagon load of furniture.The boy started to yell, but Tony grabbed him and picked him up, and wispered shh, be quiet. your daddy is sleeping. The boy nodded his head as if he was saying yes he understands. Tony carried him outside to the wagon, to kiss his aunt goodbye. We both love you Bull, we will come to get you to spend the night with us at the new house. ok. he smiled. Tony put the boy down on the ground and shook his little hand like he was a grown man.Bull you try to help your mama around here while daddy,s in the field. Yes i will uncle Tony, and when i get older i will help him work in the field too. Tony climbed upon the wagon and said getty up Mario, the mule pulled the loaded wagon forward. The little boy stood steadfast like a tin soldier holding a forte down, he was a very brave little boy. Tony hoped that he would someday have a little son with the same lovable personality. When tony had pulled up to the house, Phillip and papa Leonardo was already there, they had been there since 5AM. the two men and the two boys Charlie and Leon had already erected the shelter. They made three partitions. This was built exactly like he planned. Well now Tony was the one with a big surprise. Wow papa, Tony said thank you all very much. Papa Leonardo loved to bragg, not bad with an old man giving out the instructions huh. everybody laughed... Papa helped Nancy out of the wagon, he said welcome my new daughter to your home. she smiled and said thank you papa. He took her by the hand and opened the back door, to show her the kitchen. Oh this is so nice i love my kitchen, Then papa opened up the cabinets. and there was china, glasses, cups. then he opened up drawers and showed her silverware. Papa pulled her toward the walk in pantry, and opened up the door inside was jars of pickles, jellies, syrup a sack of flour, sugar ,coffee, salt baking powder dry yeast. Nancy was lost for words, its like she was in a trance,. He showed her the inside of the refridgerator, it had a gallon of cold milk, eggs, slab of bacon, and pork roast. , on the stove was a kettle and a coffee pot. Wow Nancy said thank you so much,, Papa said that it was Katie and Mama Maggie, they put everything on the sleigh, and came here and put all of these things in your house. They came here after Tony left friday afternoon. Nancy started to cry again, how sweet and generous.. Papa said look in the bathroom. There were two engraved towels hanging on a rack that Mama Maggie embroidered the initials on them T nd N . She even put a bar of fresh scented soap in a dish. Mama Maggie thought of everything.Tony and Phillip had the bedroom furnature setup. Honey come see our bedroom. Nancy loved everything, the next think she knew he picked her up into the air in front of papa and Phillip and brought her under the chandelier and kissed her.. The men were laughing, and Nancy,s face turned red.. Charlie, his little nephew yelled: cut it out uncle Tony, you have made my Aunt Nancy look like a boiled crawfish.[. then more laughter even Nancy was laughing now.. He finally put her down, and shook Phillip, and his father,s hand. Tony gave his nephews each $10.00 each. The boys tried to give the money back but he made them keep it. Everyone went home, and the couple was finally alone in their new house. Tony was so proud, and happy. Nancy felt lost, because she was without her friend, but she will adjust to things, she must now focus on getting ready for her first child being born. Tomorrow was Sunday, but she forgot to ask Sapina, to stop by to walk with her to mass. Nancy was going to church reguardless. This was the Sunday when she will get to go to her parents to eat spaghetti dinner. Tony will borrow Joe,s truck, becouse it would be faster to get to Maringouin. Nancy could not wait to see her family. and to tell them about her wonderful new family...
Posted on: Sat, 18 Oct 2014 00:38:00 +0000

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